cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) set(BDIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/libcalc) # Define external project to build rust lib with cargo. include(ExternalProject) ExternalProject_Add( ext_libcalc # Always trigger build, let cargo decide if we want to rebuild. BUILD_ALWAYS ON CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" # Can not pass arguments to and was not able to set env variables # for the external build command, therefore use 'env' to setup env var. BUILD_COMMAND env LIBCALC_BUILD_DIR=${BDIR} cargo build --target-dir ${BDIR} "$,--release,>" BUILD_BYPRODUCTS ${BDIR}/$,release,debug>/libcalc.a ${BDIR}/libcalc.h INSTALL_COMMAND "" # Location of sources (since we don't download). SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" # Build dir location used as CWD for build commands. BINARY_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" # Root directory for external project in cmake build dir. PREFIX "libcalc" # Log directory (relative to PREFIX). LOG_DIR "log" # Log build step. LOG_BUILD ON # In case of error output log on terminal. LOG_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE ON ) # Define pseudo target (import lib) for usage in cmake and let it depend on # the cargo build. add_library(libcalc STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL) add_dependencies(libcalc ext_libcalc) # Configure the import locations (libs) for the import lib. set_target_properties(libcalc PROPERTIES IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS "Debug;Release" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${BDIR}/release/libcalc.a" IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${BDIR}/debug/libcalc.a" ) # Configure the additional interface for they pseudo target. target_include_directories(libcalc INTERFACE "${BDIR}")