+++ title = "xpost: Cooperative-multitasking studies (matcha-threads)" [taxonomies] tags = ["threading", "linux", "x86", "arm", "riscv"] +++ This is a cross post to a **cooperative-multitasking implementation** that I did in the past and hosted on github [>> matcha-threads <<][matcha]. Cooperative-multitasking allows to perform the thread scheduling in user space. Executing threads need to give the control back to the `scheduler` such that other threads can run. Since control is returned explicitly to the scheduler, threads need to **"cooperate"**. The following code snippet shows an example of two such threads: ```cpp #include "lib/executor.h" #include "lib/thread.h" #include void like_tea(nMatcha::Yielder& y) { std::puts("like"); y.yield(); std::puts("tea"); } int main() { nMatcha::Executor e; e.spawn(nMatcha::FnThread::make(like_tea)); e.spawn(nMatcha::FnThread::make([](nMatcha::Yielder& y) { std::puts("I"); y.yield(); std::puts("green"); })); e.run(); return 0; } ``` Which gives the following output when being run: ```txt I like green tea ``` The main focus of that project was to understand the fundamental mechanism underlying cooperative-multitasking and implement such a `yield()` function as shown in the example above. Looking at the final implementation, the yield function does the following: 1. push callee-saved regs to current stack 2. swap stack pointers (current - new) 3. pop callee-saved regs from new stack Implementations for different ISAs are available here: - [x86_64][yield-x86] - [arm64][yield-arm64] - [armv7a][yield-arm] - [riscv64][yield-rv64]
Since a thread returns into the last stack-frame of the new thread after switching the stack pointers in the yield function, special care must be taken when a new stack is created. The _initial stack_ is setup such that, when yield-ing into the new stack for the first time, the stack contains the initial values for the callee-saved registers, which yield will restore and the return frame contains an address which should be returned to when returning from yield. An example of setting up the initial stack can be seen in [init_stack (x86)][init-stack]. From this it can also be seen that the first time the thread will return to [thread_create][thread-create], which just calls into a function passed to [init_stack][init-stack].
## Appendix: os-level vs user-level threading The figure below depicts *os-level* threading (left) vs *user-level* threading (right). The main difference is that in the case of user-level threading, the operating system (os) does not now anything about the user threads. In the concrete example, only a **single** user thread can run at any given time, whereas in the case of os-level threading, all threads can run truly parallel. When a user-level thread is scheduled, the *stack-pointer* (sp) of the os thread is adjusted to the user threads' stack. For the example below, if the user thread **A** is scheduled (yielded to), the stack-pointer for the os thread **S** is switched to the **stack A**. Once the user thread yields back to the scheduler, the stack-pointer is switched back to **stack S**. [matcha]: https://github.com/johannst/matcha-threads [yield-x86]: https://github.com/johannst/matcha-threads/blob/master/lib/arch/x86_64/yield.s [yield-arm]: https://github.com/johannst/matcha-threads/blob/master/lib/arch/arm/yield.s [yield-arm64]: https://github.com/johannst/matcha-threads/blob/master/lib/arch/arm64/yield.s [yield-rv64]: https://github.com/johannst/matcha-threads/blob/master/lib/arch/riscv64/yield.s [init-stack]: https://github.com/johannst/matcha-threads/blob/master/lib/arch/x86_64/init_stack.cc [thread-create]: https://github.com/johannst/matcha-threads/blob/master/lib/arch/x86_64/thread_create.s