title = "xpost: KVM studies in rust (mini-kvm-rs)"

tags = ["kvm", "linux", "x86"]

This is a cross post to a **KVM playground** in rust that I created in the past
and hosted on github [>> mini-kvm-rs <<][mini-kvm].

The [README][mini-kvm-readme] in the root of the repository gives an overview
over the project organization. Additionally, it shows instructions for how to
run two examples provided in the project, a guest running in [16 bit real
mode][mini-kvm-16bit] and a guest running in [64 bit long

The rustdoc is [here][mini-kvm-doc].

## Example: 16 bit real mode

The following shows the 16 bit guest code example.

{{ fetch_url(url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/johannst/mini-kvm-rs/main/guest/guest16.S") }}

The following creates a VM and runs the 16 bit example guest image.

{{ fetch_url(url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/johannst/mini-kvm-rs/main/examples/real_mode.rs") }}

## Example: 64 bit long mode

The following shows the 64 bit guest code example.

{{ fetch_url(url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/johannst/mini-kvm-rs/main/guest/guest64.S") }}

The following creates a VM and runs the 64 bit example guest image.

{{ fetch_url(url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/johannst/mini-kvm-rs/main/examples/long_mode.rs") }}

[mini-kvm]: https://github.com/johannst/mini-kvm-rs
[mini-kvm-readme]: https://github.com/johannst/mini-kvm-rs/blob/main/README.md
[mini-kvm-doc]: https://johannst.github.io/mini-kvm-rs/kvm_rs/index.html
[mini-kvm-16bit]: https://github.com/johannst/mini-kvm-rs#real-mode-16bit-example
[mini-kvm-64bit]: https://github.com/johannst/mini-kvm-rs#long-mode-64bit-example