{#- Args: -#} {#- path - file to load -#} {#- start - start line -#} {#- end - end line -#} {#- -#} {#- Example: -#} {#- {{ include_range(path="..", start=1, end=2) }} -#} {% set data = load_data(path=path) | split(pat="\n") | slice(start=start-1, end=end) -%} {% for line in data -%} {{ line }} {% endfor -%} {#- The '-' in the for loop is important, it removes the whitespaces after the stmt. -#} {#- See: https://tera.netlify.app/docs/#whitespace-control -#} {#- Note: I wasn't able to pull this off with a join(), maybe I'll debug one day. -#}