path: root/.vim/vimrc_files/keymaps.vim
blob: 75dffca415b97a7001259213e2f6cd76454d60d8 (plain) (tree)

let ArrowDisableMessage = "Arrow Keys disabled! Better learn hjkl ;)"

" Disable arrow keys -- train jklh
nnoremap <Left>  :echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
nnoremap <Right> :echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
nnoremap <Up>    :echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
nnoremap <Down>  :echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>

vnoremap <Left>  :<c-u>echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
vnoremap <Right> :<c-u>echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
vnoremap <Up>    :<c-u>echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
vnoremap <Down>  :<c-u>echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>

inoremap <Left>  <c-o>:echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
inoremap <Right> <c-o>:echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
inoremap <Up>    <c-o>:echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>
inoremap <Down>  <c-o>:echo ArrowDisableMessage<CR>

" ctrl-jklm move to different splits 
map <c-j> <c-w>j
map <c-k> <c-w>k
map <c-l> <c-w>l
map <c-h> <c-w>h

" ctrl-hjkl move in insert mode
inoremap <c-h> <Left>
inoremap <c-j> <Down>
inoremap <c-k> <Up>
inoremap <c-l> <Right>

" ctrl-jk movement in command window
cnoremap <c-h> <Left>
cnoremap <c-j> <Down>
cnoremap <c-k> <Up>
cnoremap <c-l> <Right>

" shift-hl change to left/right Tab
nnoremap <s-h> :tabprev<CR>
nnoremap <s-l> :tabnext<CR>

" ctrl-ae jump to line start/end 
nnoremap <c-a> 0
nnoremap <c-e> $d

inoremap <c-a> <c-o>0
inoremap <c-e> <c-o>$

" Shortcut to toggle relative numbering mode
nnoremap <c-n> :call ToggleRelativeNumber()<CR>