path: root/.vim/available_plugins/minibufexpl/plugin/minibufexpl.vim
diff options
authorJohannes Stolp <>2016-07-01 17:41:55 +0200
committerJohannes Stolp <>2016-07-01 17:41:55 +0200
commit72706eb9323065cdb4152d73926fd680a4c5a9ab (patch)
tree4ab215cd6f2093d81915d2c8e5c685c5e3082fd3 /.vim/available_plugins/minibufexpl/plugin/minibufexpl.vim
parentd3501225442d08275d1300e8797d1c15e0025488 (diff)
Removed current plugin handling, added script to install vundle(a vim plugin manager).
Adapted vim config files to use vundle. To install new vim plugins, they must be added to .vim/vimrc_files/vundle.vim
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/available_plugins/minibufexpl/plugin/minibufexpl.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2467 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/available_plugins/minibufexpl/plugin/minibufexpl.vim b/.vim/available_plugins/minibufexpl/plugin/minibufexpl.vim
deleted file mode 100755
index e2b3348..0000000
--- a/.vim/available_plugins/minibufexpl/plugin/minibufexpl.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2467 +0,0 @@
-" Mini Buffer Explorer <minibufexpl.vim>
-" HINT: Type zR if you don't know how to use folds
-" Script Info and Documentation {{{
-" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2002 & 2003 Bindu Wavell
-" Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Uvman
-" Copyright (C) 2010 Danielle Church
-" Copyright (C) 2010 Stephan Sokolow
-" Copyright (C) 2010 & 2011 Federico Holgado
-" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
-" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
-" notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
-" minibufexpl.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no
-" warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no
-" event will the copyright holder be liable for any damamges
-" resulting from the use of this software.
-" Name Of File: minibufexpl.vim
-" Description: Mini Buffer Explorer Vim Plugin
-" Documentation: See minibufexpl.txt
-" }}}
-" Startup Check
-" Has this plugin already been loaded? {{{
-if exists('loaded_minibufexplorer')
- finish
-let loaded_minibufexplorer = 1
-" }}}
-" Mappings and Commands
-" MBE commands {{{
-if !exists(':MiniBufExplorer')
- command! MiniBufExplorer echoe 'MiniBufExplorer is depreciated, please use MBEOpen instead.'
-if !exists(':CMiniBufExplorer')
- command! CMiniBufExplorer echoe 'CMiniBufExplorer is depreciated, please use MBEClose instead.'
-if !exists(':TMiniBufExplorer')
- command! TMiniBufExplorer echoe 'TMiniBufExplorer is depreciated, please use MBEToggle instead.'
-if !exists(':MBEFocus')
- command! MBEFocus call <SID>FocusExplorer()
-if !exists(':MBEFocusAll')
- command! MBEFocusAll tabdo call <SID>FocusExplorer()
-if !exists(':MBEOpen')
- command! -bang MBEOpen let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 1 | if '<bang>' == '!' | call <SID>StopExplorer(0) | endif | call <SID>StartExplorer(bufnr("%"))
-if !exists(':MBEOpenAll')
- command! -bang MBEOpenAll tabdo let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 1 | if '<bang>' == '!' | call <SID>StopExplorer(0) | endif | call <SID>StartExplorer(bufnr("%")) | let s:TabsMBEState = 1
-if !exists(':MBEClose')
- command! -bang MBEClose let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 0 | call <SID>StopExplorer('<bang>' == '!')
-if !exists(':MBECloseAll')
- command! -bang MBECloseAll tabdo let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 0 | call <SID>StopExplorer('<bang>' == '!') | let s:TabsMBEState = 0
-if !exists(':MBEToggle')
- command! -bang MBEToggle call <SID>ToggleExplorer(0,'<bang>'=='!')
-if !exists(':MBEToggleAll')
- command! -bang MBEToggleAll call <SID>ToggleExplorer(1,'<bang>'=='!')
-if !exists(':MBEToggleMRU')
- command! -bang MBEToggleMRU call <SID>ToggleMRU()
-if !exists(':MBEToggleMRUAll')
- command! -bang MBEToggleMRUAll tabdo call <SID>ToggleMRU()
-if !exists(':MBEbn')
- command! MBEbn call <SID>CycleBuffer(1)
-if !exists(':MBEbp')
- command! MBEbp call <SID>CycleBuffer(0)
-if !exists(':MBEbf')
- command! MBEbf call <SID>CycleBuffer(1,1)
-if !exists(':MBEbb')
- command! MBEbb call <SID>CycleBuffer(0,1)
-if !exists(':MBEbd')
- command! -bang -nargs=* MBEbd call <SID>DeleteBuffer(0,'<bang>'=='!',<f-args>)
-if !exists(':MBEbw')
- command! -bang -nargs=* MBEbw call <SID>DeleteBuffer(1,'<bang>'=='!',<f-args>)
-if !exists(':MBEbun')
- command! -bang -nargs=* MBEbun call <SID>DeleteBuffer(2,'<bang>'=='!',<f-args>)
-" }}}
-" Global Configuration Variables - Depreciated
-" {{{
-if exists('g:miniBufExplSplitBelow')
- let g:miniBufExplBRSplit = g:miniBufExplSplitBelow
-if exists('g:miniBufExplMaxHeight')
- let g:miniBufExplMaxSize = g:miniBufExplMaxHeight
-if exists('g:miniBufExplMinHeight')
- let g:miniBufExplMinSize = g:miniBufExplMinHeight
-if exists('g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne')
- let g:miniBufExplBuffersNeeded = g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne
-if exists('g:miniBufExplorerAutoStart')
- let g:miniBufExplAutoStart = g:miniBufExplorerAutoStart
-if exists('g:miniBufExplorerDebugMode')
- let g:miniBufExplDebugMode = g:miniBufExplorerDebugMode
-if exists('g:miniBufExplorerDebugLevel')
- let g:miniBufExplDebugLevel = g:miniBufExplorerDebugLevel
-if exists('g:miniBufExplorerDebugOutput')
- let g:miniBufExplDebugOutput = g:miniBufExplorerDebugOutput
-if exists('g:miniBufExplorerHideWhenDiff')
- let g:miniBufExplHideWhenDiff = g:miniBufExplorerHideWhenDiff
-" }}}
-" Global Configuration Variables
-" Start MBE automatically ? {{{
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplAutoStart')
- let g:miniBufExplAutoStart = 1
-" }}}
-" Debug Mode {{{
-" 0 = debug to a window
-" 1 = use vim's echo facility
-" 2 = write to a file named MiniBufExplorer.DBG
-" in the directory where vim was started
-" 3 = Write into g:miniBufExplDebugOutput
-" global variable [This is the default]
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplDebugMode')
- let g:miniBufExplDebugMode = 3
-" }}}
-" Debug Level {{{
-" 0 = no logging
-" 1=5 = errors ; 1 is the most important
-" 5-9 = info ; 5 is the most important
-" 10 = Entry/Exit
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplDebugLevel')
- let g:miniBufExplDebugLevel = 1
-" }}}
-" Stop auto starting MBE in diff mode? {{{
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplHideWhenDiff')
- let g:miniBufExplHideWhenDiff = 0
-" }}}
-" MoreThanOne? {{{
-" Display Mini Buf Explorer when there are 'More Than One' eligible buffers
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplBuffersNeeded')
- let g:miniBufExplBuffersNeeded = 2
-" }}}
-" Set the updatetime? {{{
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplSetUT')
- let g:miniBufExplSetUT = 1
-" }}}
-" Horizontal or Vertical explorer? {{{
-" For folks that like vertical explorers, I'm caving in and providing for
-" veritcal splits. If this is set to 0 then the current horizontal
-" splitting logic will be run. If however you want a vertical split,
-" assign the width (in characters) you wish to assign to the MBE window.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplVSplit')
- let g:miniBufExplVSplit = 0
-" }}}
-" Split below/above/left/right? {{{
-" When opening a new -MiniBufExplorer- window, split the new windows below or
-" above the current window? 1 = below, 0 = above.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplBRSplit')
- let g:miniBufExplBRSplit = g:miniBufExplVSplit ? &splitright : &splitbelow
-" }}}
-" Split to edge? {{{
-" When opening a new -MiniBufExplorer- window, split the new windows to the
-" full edge? 1 = yes, 0 = no.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplSplitToEdge')
- let g:miniBufExplSplitToEdge = 1
-" }}}
-" MaxSize {{{
-" Same as MaxHeight but also works for vertical splits if specified with a
-" vertical split then vertical resizing will be performed. If left at 0
-" then the number of columns in g:miniBufExplVSplit will be used as a
-" static window width.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplMaxSize')
- let g:miniBufExplMaxSize = 0
-" }}}
-" MinSize {{{
-" Same as MinHeight but also works for vertical splits. For vertical splits,
-" this is ignored unless g:miniBufExplMax(Size|Height) are specified.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplMinSize')
- let g:miniBufExplMinSize = 1
-" }}}
-" TabWrap? {{{
-" By default line wrap is used (possibly breaking a tab name between two
-" lines.) Turning this option on (setting it to 1) can take more screen
-" space, but will make sure that each tab is on one and only one line.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplTabWrap')
- let g:miniBufExplTabWrap = 0
-" }}}
-" ShowBufNumber? {{{
-" By default buffers' numbers are shown in MiniBufExplorer. You can turn it off
-" by setting this option to 0.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplShowBufNumbers')
- let g:miniBufExplShowBufNumbers = 1
-" }}}
-" Single/Double Click? {{{
-" flag that can be set to 1 in a users .vimrc to allow
-" single click switching of tabs. By default we use
-" double click for tab selection.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick')
- let g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick = 0
-" }}}
-" Close on Select? {{{
-" Flag that can be set to 1 in a users .vimrc to hide
-" the explorer when a user selects a buffer.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplCloseOnSelect')
- let g:miniBufExplCloseOnSelect = 0
-" }}}
-" Status Line Text for MBE window {{{
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplStatusLineText')
- let g:miniBufExplStatusLineText = "-MiniBufExplorer-"
-" }}}
-" How to sort the buffers in MBE window {{{
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplSortBy')
- let g:miniBufExplSortBy = "number"
-" }}}
-" Should buffer be cycled arround if hits the begining or the end while {{{
-" using MBE's buffer movement commands.
-if !exists('g:miniBufExplCycleArround')
- let g:miniBufExplCycleArround = 0
-" }}}
-" Variables used internally
-" Script/Global variables {{{
-" In debug mode 3 this variable will hold the debug output
-let g:miniBufExplDebugOutput = ''
-" check to see what platform we are in
-if (has('unix'))
- let s:PathSeparator = '/'
- let s:PathSeparator = '\'
-" Variable used to count debug output lines
-let s:debugIndex = 0
-" Variable used to pass maxTabWidth info between functions
-let s:maxTabWidth = 0
-" Variable used as a mutex to indicate the current state of MBEToggleAll
-let s:TabsMBEState = 0
-" List for all eligible buffers
-let s:BufList = []
-" List for tracking order of the buffer entering
-let s:MRUList = []
-" Whether MRU List should be updated.
-let s:MRUEnable = 1
-" Dictionary used to keep track of the modification state of buffers
-let s:bufStateDict = {}
-" Global used to store the buffer list so that we don't update the MBE
-" unless the list has changed.
-let s:miniBufExplBufList = ''
-" Variable used as a mutex so that AutoUpdates would not get nested.
-let s:miniBufExplInAutoUpdate = 0
-" Dictionary used to keep track of the names we have seen.
-let s:bufNameDict = {}
-" Dictionary used to map buffer numbers to names when the buffer
-" names are not unique.
-let s:bufUniqNameDict = {}
-" Dictionary used to hold the path parts for each buffer
-let s:bufPathDict = {}
-" Dictionary used to hold the path signature index for each buffer
-let s:bufPathSignDict = {}
-" We start out with this off for startup, but once vim is running we
-" turn this on. This prevent any BufEnter event from being triggered
-" before VimEnter event.
-let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = 0
-" If MBE was opened manually, then we should skip eligible buffers checking,
-" open MBE window no matter what value 'g:miniBufExplBuffersNeeded' is set.
-let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 0
-" The order of buffer listing in MBE window is tab dependently.
-let t:miniBufExplSortBy = g:miniBufExplSortBy
-" }}}
-" Auto Commands
-" Setup an autocommand group and some autocommands {{{
-" that keep our explorer updated automatically.
-" Set a lower value to 'updatetime' for the CursorHold/CursorHoldI event, so
-" that the MBE could be updated in time. It can not be set too low, otherwise
-" might breaks many things, 1500ms should be a reasonable value.
-" We only change it if we are allowed to and it has not been changed yet.
-if g:miniBufExplSetUT && &ut == 4000
- set updatetime=1500
-augroup MiniBufExpl
- autocmd!
- autocmd VimEnter * nested call <SID>VimEnterHandler()
- autocmd TabEnter * nested call <SID>TabEnterHandler()
- autocmd BufAdd * call <SID>BufAddHandler()
- autocmd BufEnter * nested call <SID>BufEnterHandler()
- autocmd BufDelete * call <SID>BufDeleteHandler()
- autocmd CursorHold,CursorHoldI,BufWritePost *
- \ call <SID>DEBUG('Entering UpdateBufferStateDict AutoCmd', 10) |
- \ call <SID>UpdateBufferStateDict(bufnr("%"),0) |
- \ call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferStateDict AutoCmd', 10)
-if exists('##QuitPre')
- autocmd QuitPre *
- \ if <SID>NextNormalWindow() == -1 | call <SID>StopExplorer(0) | endif
- autocmd BufEnter * nested call <SID>QuitIfLastOpen()
- autocmd FileType minibufexpl call <SID>RenderSyntax()
-augroup END
-function! <SID>VimEnterHandler()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering VimEnter Handler', 10)
- " Build initial MRUList.
- " This makes sure all the files specified on the command
- " line are picked up correctly.
- let s:BufList = range(1, bufnr('$'))
- let s:MRUList = range(1, bufnr('$'))
- for l:i in s:BufList
- if <SID>IsBufferIgnored(l:i)
- call <SID>ListPop(s:BufList,l:i)
- endif
- endfor
- for l:i in s:MRUList
- if <SID>IsBufferIgnored(l:i)
- call <SID>ListPop(s:MRUList,l:i)
- endif
- endfor
- if g:miniBufExplHideWhenDiff!=1 || !&diff
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = 1
- endif
- if g:miniBufExplAutoStart && t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate == 1
- \ && (t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck == 1 || <SID>HasEligibleBuffers() == 1)
- call <SID>StartExplorer(bufnr("%"))
- " Let the MBE open in the new tab
- let s:TabsMBEState = 1
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving VimEnter Handler', 10)
-function! <SID>TabEnterHandler()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering TabEnter Handler', 10)
- if !exists('t:miniBufExplSortBy')
- let t:miniBufExplSortBy = g:miniBufExplSortBy
- endif
- if !exists('t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate')
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = s:TabsMBEState
- endif
- if !exists('t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck')
- let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 0
- endif
- if g:miniBufExplAutoStart && t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate == 1
- \ && (t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck == 1 || <SID>HasEligibleBuffers() == 1)
- call <SID>StartExplorer(bufnr("%"))
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving TabEnter Handler', 10)
-function! <SID>BufAddHandler()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering BufAdd Handler', 10)
- call <SID>ListAdd(s:BufList,str2nr(expand("<abuf>")))
- call <SID>ListAdd(s:MRUList,str2nr(expand("<abuf>")))
- call <SID>UpdateAllBufferDicts(expand("<abuf>"),0)
- call <SID>AutoUpdate(bufnr("%"),0)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BufAdd Handler', 10)
-function! <SID>BufEnterHandler() abort
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering BufEnter Handler', 10)
- for l:i in s:BufList
- if <SID>IsBufferIgnored(l:i)
- call <SID>ListPop(s:BufList,l:i)
- endif
- endfor
- for l:i in s:MRUList
- if <SID>IsBufferIgnored(l:i)
- call <SID>ListPop(s:MRUList,l:i)
- endif
- endfor
- call <SID>AutoUpdate(bufnr("%"),0)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BufEnter Handler', 10)
-function! <SID>BufDeleteHandler()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering BufDelete Handler', 10)
- call <SID>ListPop(s:BufList,str2nr(expand("<abuf>")))
- call <SID>ListPop(s:MRUList,str2nr(expand("<abuf>")))
- call <SID>UpdateAllBufferDicts(expand("<abuf>"),1)
- " Handle ':bd' command correctly
- if (bufname('%') == '-MiniBufExplorer-' && <SID>NextNormalWindow() == -1 && len(s:BufList) > 0)
- if(tabpagenr('$') == 1)
- setlocal modifiable
- resize
- exec 'noautocmd sb'.s:BufList[0]
- call <SID>StopExplorer(0)
- call <SID>StartExplorer(bufnr("%"))
- else
- close
- endif
- endif
- call <SID>AutoUpdate(bufnr("%"),1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BufDelete Handler', 10)
-" }}}
-" Functions
-" RenderSyntax {{{
-function! <SID>RenderSyntax()
- if has("syntax")
- syn clear
- syn match MBENormal '\[[^\]]*\]'
- syn match MBEChanged '\[[^\]]*\]+'
- syn match MBEVisibleNormal '\[[^\]]*\]\*'
- syn match MBEVisibleChanged '\[[^\]]*\]\*+'
- syn match MBEVisibleActiveNormal '\[[^\]]*\]\*!'
- syn match MBEVisibleActiveChanged '\[[^\]]*\]\*+!'
- "MiniBufExpl Color Examples
- " hi MBENormal guifg=#808080 guibg=fg
- " hi MBEChanged guifg=#CD5907 guibg=fg
- " hi MBEVisibleNormal guifg=#5DC2D6 guibg=fg
- " hi MBEVisibleChanged guifg=#F1266F guibg=fg
- " hi MBEVisibleActiveNormal guifg=#A6DB29 guibg=fg
- " hi MBEVisibleActiveChanged guifg=#F1266F guibg=fg
- if !exists("g:did_minibufexplorer_syntax_inits")
- let g:did_minibufexplorer_syntax_inits = 1
- hi def link MBENormal Comment
- hi def link MBEChanged String
- hi def link MBEVisibleNormal Special
- hi def link MBEVisibleChanged Special
- hi def link MBEVisibleActiveNormal Underlined
- hi def link MBEVisibleActiveChanged Error
- endif
- let b:current_syntax = "minibufexpl"
- endif
-" }}}
-" StartExplorer - Sets up our explorer and causes it to be displayed {{{
-function! <SID>StartExplorer(curBufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering StartExplorer('.a:curBufNum.')',10)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Current state: '.winnr().' : '.bufnr('%').' : '.bufname('%'),10)
- call <SID>BuildAllBufferDicts()
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = 1
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', 1)
- if l:winNum != -1
- call <SID>DEBUG('There is already a MBE window, aborting...',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving StartExplorer()',10)
- return
- endif
- call <SID>CreateWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', g:miniBufExplVSplit, g:miniBufExplBRSplit, g:miniBufExplSplitToEdge, 1, 1)
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', 1)
- if l:winNum == -1
- call <SID>DEBUG('Failed to create the MBE window, aborting...',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving StartExplorer()',10)
- return
- endif
- " Save current window number and switch to previous
- " window before entering MBE window so that the later
- " `wincmd p` command will get into this window, then
- " we can preserve a one level window movement history.
- let l:currWin = winnr()
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',1)
- " Switch into MBE allowing autocmd to run will
- " make the syntax highlight in MBE window working
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',0,l:winNum)
- " Make sure we are in our window
- if bufname('%') != '-MiniBufExplorer-'
- call <SID>DEBUG('StartExplorer called in invalid window',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving StartExplorer()',10)
- return
- endif
- " Set filetype for MBE buffer
- set filetype=minibufexpl
- " !!! We may want to make the following optional -- Bindu
- " New windows don't cause all windows to be resized to equal sizes
- set noequalalways
- " !!! We may want to make the following optional -- Bindu
- " We don't want the mouse to change focus without a click
- set nomousefocus
- if g:miniBufExplVSplit == 0
- setlocal wrap
- else
- setlocal nowrap
- exec 'setlocal winwidth='.g:miniBufExplMinSize
- endif
- " If folks turn numbering and columns on by default we will turn
- " them off for the MBE window
- setlocal foldcolumn=0
- setlocal nonumber
- if exists("&norelativenumber")
- " relativenumber was introduced in Vim 7.3 - this provides compatibility
- " for older versions of Vim
- setlocal norelativenumber
- endif
- "don't highlight matching parentheses, etc.
- setlocal matchpairs=
- "Depending on what type of split, make sure the MBE buffer is not
- "automatically rezised by CTRL + W =, etc...
- setlocal winfixheight
- setlocal winfixwidth
- " Set the text of the statusline for the MBE buffer. See help:stl for
- " many options
- exec 'setlocal statusline='.g:miniBufExplStatusLineText
- " No spell check
- setlocal nospell
- " Restore colorcolumn for VIM >= 7.3
- if exists("+colorcolumn")
- setlocal colorcolumn&
- end
- " If you press return, o or e in the -MiniBufExplorer- then try
- " to open the selected buffer in the previous window.
- nnoremap <buffer> o :call <SID>MBESelectBuffer(0)<CR>:<BS>
- nnoremap <buffer> e :call <SID>MBESelectBuffer(0)<CR>:<BS>
- nnoremap <buffer> <CR> :call <SID>MBESelectBuffer(0)<CR>:<BS>
- " If you press s in the -MiniBufExplorer- then try
- " to open the selected buffer in a split in the previous window.
- nnoremap <buffer> s :call <SID>MBESelectBuffer(1)<CR>:<BS>
- " If you press j in the -MiniBufExplorer- then try
- " to open the selected buffer in a vertical split in the previous window.
- nnoremap <buffer> v :call <SID>MBESelectBuffer(2)<CR>:<BS>
- " If you press d in the -MiniBufExplorer- then try to
- " delete the selected buffer.
- nnoremap <buffer> d :call <SID>MBEDeleteBuffer()<CR>:<BS>
- " The following allow us to use regular movement keys to
- " scroll in a wrapped single line buffer
- nnoremap <buffer> k gk
- nnoremap <buffer> j gj
- nnoremap <buffer> <up> gk
- nnoremap <buffer> <down> gj
- " The following allows for quicker moving between buffer
- " names in the [MBE] window it also saves the last-pattern
- " and restores it.
- if !g:miniBufExplShowBufNumbers
- nnoremap <buffer> l :call search('\[[^\]]*\]')<CR>:<BS>
- nnoremap <buffer> h :call search('\[[^\]]*\]','b')<CR>:<BS>
- nnoremap <buffer> <right> :call search('\[[^\]]*\]')<CR>:<BS>
- nnoremap <buffer> <left> :call search('\[[^\]]*\]','b')<CR>:<BS>
- else
- nnoremap <buffer> l :call search('\[[0-9]*:[^\]]*\]')<CR>:<BS>
- nnoremap <buffer> h :call search('\[[0-9]*:[^\]]*\]','b')<CR>:<BS>
- nnoremap <buffer> <right> :call search('\[[0-9]*:[^\]]*\]')<CR>:<BS>
- nnoremap <buffer> <left> :call search('\[[0-9]*:[^\]]*\]','b')<CR>:<BS>
- endif
- " Attempt to perform single click mapping
- " It would be much nicer if we could 'nnoremap <buffer> ...', however
- " vim does not fire the '<buffer> <leftmouse>' when you use the mouse
- " to enter a buffer.
- if g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick == 1
- let l:mapcmd = ':nnoremap <silent> <LEFTMOUSE> <LEFTMOUSE>'
- let l:clickcmd = ':if bufname("%") == "-MiniBufExplorer-" <bar> call <SID>MBESelectBuffer(0) <bar> endif <CR>'
- " no mapping for leftmouse
- if maparg('<LEFTMOUSE>', 'n') == ''
- exec l:mapcmd . l:clickcmd
- " we have a mapping
- else
- let l:mapcmd = l:mapcmd . substitute(substitute(maparg('<LEFTMOUSE>', 'n'), '|', '<bar>', 'g'), '\c^<LEFTMOUSE>', '', '')
- let l:mapcmd = l:mapcmd . l:clickcmd
- exec l:mapcmd
- endif
- " If you DoubleClick in the MBE window then try to open the selected
- " buffer in the previous window.
- else
- nnoremap <buffer> <2-LEFTMOUSE> :call <SID>MBESelectBuffer(0)<CR>:<BS>
- endif
- call <SID>BuildBufferList(a:curBufNum)
- call <SID>DisplayBuffers(a:curBufNum)
- " Switch away from MBE allowing autocmd to run which will
- " trigger PowerLine's BufLeave event handler
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',0)
- " Now we are in the previous window, let's enter
- " the window current window, this will preserve
- " one-level backwards window movement history.
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:currWin)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving StartExplorer()',10)
-" }}}
-" StopExplorer - Looks for our explorer and closes the window if it is open {{{
-function! <SID>StopExplorer(force)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering StopExplorer()',10)
- if a:force || <SID>HasEligibleBuffers()
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = 0
- endif
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', 1)
- if l:winNum == -1
- call <SID>DEBUG('There is no MBE window, aborting...',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving StopExplorer()',10)
- return
- endif
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:winNum)
- silent! close
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',1)
- " Work around a redraw bug in gVim (Confirmed present in 7.3.50)
- if has('gui_gtk') && has('gui_running')
- redraw!
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving StopExplorer()',10)
-" }}}
-" FocusExplorer {{{
-function! <SID>FocusExplorer()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering FocusExplorer()',10)
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = 1
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', 1)
- if l:winNum == -1
- call <SID>DEBUG('There is no MBE window, aborting...',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving FocusExplorer()',10)
- return
- endif
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',0,l:winNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving FocusExplorer()',10)
-" }}}
-" ToggleMRU - Switch the order of buffer listing in MBE window {{{
-" between its default and most recently used.
-function! <SID>ToggleMRU()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering ToggleMRU()',10)
- if t:miniBufExplSortBy == 'number'
- let t:miniBufExplSortBy = 'mru'
- else
- let t:miniBufExplSortBy = 'number'
- endif
- let l:winnr = <SID>FindWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', 1)
- if (l:winnr == -1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('MiniBufExplorer was not running, starting...', 9)
- call <SID>StartExplorer(bufnr('%'))
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('Updating MiniBufExplorer...', 9)
- call <SID>UpdateExplorer(bufnr('%'))
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ToggleMRU()',10)
-" }}}
-" ToggleExplorer - Looks for our explorer and opens/closes the window {{{
-" a:tabs, 0 no, 1 yes
-" toggle MBE in all tabs
-" a:force, 0 no, 1 yes
-" reopen MBE when it is already open
-" close MBE with auto-updating disabled
-function! <SID>ToggleExplorer(tabs,force)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering ToggleExplorer()',10)
- if a:tabs
- if s:TabsMBEState
- tabdo let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 0 | call <SID>StopExplorer(a:force)
- else
- tabdo let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 1 | if a:force | call <SID>StopExplorer(0) | endif | call <SID>StartExplorer(bufnr("%"))
- endif
- let s:TabsMBEState = !s:TabsMBEState
- else
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', 1)
- if l:winNum != -1
- let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 0
- call <SID>StopExplorer(a:force)
- else
- let t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck = 1
- call <SID>StartExplorer(bufnr("%"))
- endif
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ToggleExplorer()',10)
-" }}}
-" UpdateExplorer {{{
-function! <SID>UpdateExplorer(curBufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering UpdateExplorer('.a:curBufNum.')',10)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Current state: '.winnr().' : '.bufnr('%').' : '.bufname('%'),10)
- if !<SID>BuildBufferList(a:curBufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Buffer List have not changed, aborting...',10)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateExplorer()',10)
- return
- endif
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', 1)
- if l:winNum == -1
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found no MBE window, aborting...',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateExplorer()',10)
- return
- endif
- if l:winNum != winnr()
- let l:winChanged = 1
- " Save current window number and switch to previous
- " window before entering MBE window so that the later
- " `wincmd p` command will get into this window, then
- " we can preserve a one level window movement history.
- let l:currWin = winnr()
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',1)
- " Switch into MBE allowing autocmd to run will
- " make the syntax highlight in MBE window working
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',0,l:winNum)
- endif
- call <SID>DisplayBuffers(a:curBufNum)
- if exists('l:winChanged')
- " Switch away from MBE allowing autocmd to run which will
- " trigger PowerLine's BufLeave event handler
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',0)
- " Now we are in the previous window, let's enter
- " the window current window, this will preserve
- " one-level backwards window movement history.
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:currWin)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateExplorer()',10)
-" }}}
-" FindWindow - Return the window number of a named buffer {{{
-" If none is found then returns -1.
-function! <SID>FindWindow(bufName, doDebug)
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering FindWindow('.a:bufName.','.a:doDebug.')',10)
- endif
- " Try to find an existing window that contains
- " our buffer.
- let l:winnr = bufwinnr(a:bufName)
- if l:winnr != -1
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found window '.l:winnr.' with buffer ('.winbufnr(l:winnr).' : '.bufname(winbufnr(l:winnr)).')',9)
- endif
- else
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Can not find window with buffer ('.a:bufName.')',9)
- endif
- endif
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving FindWindow()',10)
- endif
- return l:winnr
-" }}}
-" CreateWindow {{{
-" vSplit, 0 no, 1 yes
-" split vertically or horizontally
-" brSplit, 0 no, 1 yes
-" split the window below/right to current window
-" forceEdge, 0 no, 1 yes
-" split the window at the edege of the editor
-" isPluginWindow, 0 no, 1 yes
-" if it is a plugin window
-" doDebug, 0 no, 1 yes
-" show debugging message or not
-function! <SID>CreateWindow(bufName, vSplit, brSplit, forceEdge, isPluginWindow, doDebug)
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering CreateWindow('.a:bufName.','.a:vSplit.','.a:brSplit.','.a:forceEdge.','.a:isPluginWindow.','.a:doDebug.')',10)
- endif
- " Window number will change after creating a new window,
- " we need to save both current and previous window number
- " so that we can canculate theire correct window number
- " after the new window creating.
- let l:currWin = winnr()
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',1)
- let l:prevWin = winnr()
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',1)
- " Save the user's split setting.
- let l:saveSplitBelow = &splitbelow
- let l:saveSplitRight = &splitright
- " Set to our new values.
- let &splitbelow = a:brSplit
- let &splitright = a:brSplit
- let l:bufNum = bufnr(a:bufName)
- if l:bufNum == -1
- let l:spCmd = 'sp'
- else
- let l:spCmd = 'sb'
- endif
- if a:forceEdge == 1
- let l:edge = a:vSplit ? &splitright : &splitbelow
- if l:edge
- if a:vSplit == 0
- silent exec 'noautocmd bo '.l:spCmd.' '.a:bufName
- else
- silent exec 'noautocmd bo vert '.l:spCmd.' '.a:bufName
- endif
- else
- if a:vSplit == 0
- silent exec 'noautocmd to '.l:spCmd.' '.a:bufName
- else
- silent exec 'noautocmd to vert '.l:spCmd.' '.a:bufName
- endif
- endif
- else
- if a:vSplit == 0
- silent exec 'noautocmd '.l:spCmd.' '.a:bufName
- else
- silent exec 'noautocmd vert '.l:spCmd.' '.a:bufName
- endif
- endif
- " Restore the user's split setting.
- let &splitbelow = l:saveSplitBelow
- let &splitright = l:saveSplitRight
- " Turn off the swapfile, set the buftype and bufhidden option, so that it
- " won't get written and will be deleted when it gets hidden.
- if a:isPluginWindow
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal nobuflisted
- setlocal buftype=nofile
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- endif
- " Canculate the correct window number, for those whose window
- " number before the creating is greater than or equal to the
- " number of the newly created window, their window number should
- " increase by one.
- let l:prevWin = l:prevWin >= winnr() ? l:prevWin + 1 : l:prevWin
- let l:currWin = l:currWin >= winnr() ? l:currWin + 1 : l:currWin
- " This will preserve one-level backwards window movement history.
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:prevWin)
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:currWin)
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving CreateWindow()',10)
- endif
-" }}}
-" FindCreateWindow - Attempts to find a window for a named buffer. {{{
-" If it is found then moves there. Otherwise creates a new window and
-" configures it and moves there.
-" vSplit, 0 no, 1 yes
-" split vertically or horizontally
-" brSplit, 0 no, 1 yes
-" split the window below/right to current window
-" forceEdge, 0 no, 1 yes
-" split the window at the edege of the editor
-" isPluginWindow, 0 no, 1 yes
-" if it is a plugin window
-" doDebug, 0 no, 1 yes
-" show debugging message or not
-function! <SID>FindCreateWindow(bufName, vSplit, brSplit, forceEdge, isPluginWindow, doDebug)
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering FindCreateWindow('.a:bufName.','.a:vSplit.','.a:brSplit.','.a:forceEdge.','.a:isPluginWindow.','.a:doDebug.')',10)
- endif
- " Try to find an existing explorer window
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindWindow(a:bufName, a:doDebug)
- " If found goto the existing window, otherwise
- " split open a new window.
- if l:winNum == -1
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Creating a new window with buffer ('.a:bufName.')',9)
- endif
- call <SID>CreateWindow(a:bufName, a:vSplit, a:brSplit, a:forceEdge, a:isPluginWindow, a:doDebug)
- " Try to find an existing explorer window
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindWindow(a:bufName, 0)
- if l:winNum != -1
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Created window '.l:winNum.' with buffer ('.a:bufName.')',9)
- endif
- else
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Failed to create window with buffer ('.a:bufName.').',1)
- endif
- endif
- endif
- if a:doDebug
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving FindCreateWindow()',10)
- endif
- return l:winNum
-" }}}
-" DisplayBuffers - Wrapper for getting MBE window shown {{{
-" Makes sure we are in our explorer, then erases the current buffer and turns
-" it into a mini buffer explorer window.
-function! <SID>DisplayBuffers(curBufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering DisplayExplorer('.a:curBufNum.')',10)
- " Make sure we are in our window
- if bufname('%') != '-MiniBufExplorer-'
- call <SID>DEBUG('DisplayBuffers called in invalid window',1)
- return
- endif
- call <SID>ShowBuffers()
- call <SID>ResizeWindow()
- " Place cursor at current buffer in MBE
- if !<SID>IsBufferIgnored(a:curBufNum)
- if !g:miniBufExplShowBufNumbers
- call search('\V['.s:bufUniqNameDict[a:curBufNum].']', 'w')
- else
- call search('\V['.a:curBufNum.':'.s:bufUniqNameDict[a:curBufNum].']', 'w')
- endif
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving DisplayExplorer()',10)
-" }}}
-" Resize Window - Set width/height of MBE window {{{
-" Makes sure we are in our explorer, then sets the height/width for our explorer
-" window so that we can fit all of our information without taking extra lines.
-function! <SID>ResizeWindow()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering ResizeWindow()',10)
- " Make sure we are in our window
- if bufname('%') != '-MiniBufExplorer-'
- call <SID>DEBUG('ResizeWindow called in invalid window',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ResizeWindow()',10)
- return
- endif
- " Prevent a report of our actions from showing up.
- let l:save_rep = &report
- let l:save_sc = &showcmd
- let &report = 10000
- set noshowcmd
- let l:width = winwidth('.')
- " Horizontal Resize
- if g:miniBufExplVSplit == 0
- if g:miniBufExplTabWrap == 0
- let l:length = strlen(getline('.'))
- let l:height = 0
- if (l:width == 0)
- let l:height = winheight('.')
- else
- let l:height = (l:length / l:width)
- " handle truncation from div
- if (l:length % l:width) != 0
- let l:height = l:height + 1
- endif
- endif
- else
- " We need to be able to modify the buffer
- setlocal modifiable
- exec "setlocal textwidth=".l:width
- normal gg
- normal gq}
- normal G
- let l:height = line('.')
- normal gg
- " Prevent the buffer from being modified.
- setlocal nomodifiable
- endif
- " enforce max window height
- if g:miniBufExplMaxSize != 0
- if g:miniBufExplMaxSize < l:height
- let l:height = g:miniBufExplMaxSize
- endif
- endif
- " enfore min window height
- if l:height < g:miniBufExplMinSize || l:height == 0
- let l:height = g:miniBufExplMinSize
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('ResizeWindow to '.l:height.' lines',9)
- if &winminheight > l:height
- let l:saved_winminheight = &winminheight
- let &winminheight = 1
- exec 'resize '.l:height
- let &winminheight = l:saved_winminheight
- else
- exec 'resize '.l:height
- endif
- let saved_ead = &ead
- let &ead = 'ver'
- set equalalways
- let &ead = saved_ead
- set noequalalways
- " Vertical Resize
- else
- if g:miniBufExplMaxSize != 0
- let l:newWidth = s:maxTabWidth
- if l:newWidth > g:miniBufExplMaxSize
- let l:newWidth = g:miniBufExplMaxSize
- endif
- if l:newWidth < g:miniBufExplMinSize
- let l:newWidth = g:miniBufExplMinSize
- endif
- else
- let l:newWidth = g:miniBufExplVSplit
- endif
- if l:width != l:newWidth
- call <SID>DEBUG('ResizeWindow to '.l:newWidth.' columns',9)
- exec 'vertical resize '.l:newWidth
- endif
- let saved_ead = &ead
- let &ead = 'hor'
- set equalalways
- let &ead = saved_ead
- set noequalalways
- endif
- normal! zz
- let &report = l:save_rep
- let &showcmd = l:save_sc
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ResizeWindow()',10)
-" }}}
-" ShowBuffers - Clear current buffer and put the MBE text into it {{{
-" Makes sure we are in our explorer, then adds a list of all modifiable
-" buffers to the current buffer. Special marks are added for buffers that
-" are in one or more windows (*) and buffers that have been modified (+)
-function! <SID>ShowBuffers()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering ShowExplorer()',10)
- " Make sure we are in our window
- if bufname('%') != '-MiniBufExplorer-'
- call <SID>DEBUG('ShowBuffers called in invalid window',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ShowBuffers()',10)
- return
- endif
- let l:save_rep = &report
- let l:save_sc = &showcmd
- let &report = 10000
- set noshowcmd
- " We need to be able to modify the buffer
- setlocal modifiable
- " Delete all lines in buffer.
- silent 1,$d _
- " Goto the end of the buffer put the buffer list
- " and then delete the extra trailing blank line
- $
- put! =s:miniBufExplBufList
- silent $ d _
- " Prevent the buffer from being modified.
- setlocal nomodifiable
- let &report = l:save_rep
- let &showcmd = l:save_sc
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ShowBuffers()',10)
-" }}}
-" CycleBuffer - Cycle Through Buffers {{{
-" Move to next or previous buffer in the current window. If there
-" are no more modifiable buffers then stay on the current buffer.
-" can be called with no parameters in which case the buffers are
-" cycled forward. Otherwise a single argument is accepted, if
-" it's 0 then the buffers are cycled backwards, otherwise they
-" are cycled forward.
-function! <SID>CycleBuffer(forward,...)
- if <SID>IsBufferIgnored(bufnr('%')) == 1
- return
- endif
- let curBufNum = bufnr('%')
- if exists('a:1') && a:1 == 1
- call <SID>DEBUG('MRUList is '.string(s:MRUList),1)
- let curBufIndex = index(s:MRUList, l:curBufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('curBufIndex is '.l:curBufIndex,1)
- let forBufIndex = l:curBufIndex - 1 < 0 ? len(s:MRUList) - 1 : l:curBufIndex - 1
- call <SID>DEBUG('forBufIndex is '.l:forBufIndex,1)
- let bacBufIndex = l:curBufIndex + 1 >= len(s:MRUList) ? 0 : l:curBufIndex + 1
- call <SID>DEBUG('bacBufIndex is '.l:bacBufIndex,1)
- if a:forward
- if !g:miniBufExplCycleArround && l:curBufIndex < l:forBufIndex
- echo "You have reached the most recent buffer!"
- return
- endif
- let l:moveCmd = 'b! '.s:MRUList[l:forBufIndex]
- else
- if !g:miniBufExplCycleArround && l:curBufIndex > l:bacBufIndex
- echo "You have reached the least recent buffer!"
- return
- endif
- let l:moveCmd = 'b! '.s:MRUList[l:bacBufIndex]
- endif
- let s:MRUEnable = 0
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('BufList is '.string(s:BufList),1)
- let curBufIndex = index(s:BufList, l:curBufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('curBufIndex is '.l:curBufIndex,1)
- let forBufIndex = l:curBufIndex + 1 >= len(s:BufList) ? 0 : l:curBufIndex + 1
- call <SID>DEBUG('forBufIndex is '.l:forBufIndex,1)
- let bacBufIndex = l:curBufIndex - 1 < 0 ? len(s:BufList) - 1 : l:curBufIndex - 1
- call <SID>DEBUG('bacBufIndex is '.l:bacBufIndex,1)
- if a:forward
- if !g:miniBufExplCycleArround && l:curBufIndex > l:forBufIndex
- echo "You have reached the last buffer!"
- return
- endif
- let l:moveCmd = 'b! '.s:BufList[l:forBufIndex]
- else
- if !g:miniBufExplCycleArround && l:curBufIndex < l:bacBufIndex
- echo "You have reached the first buffer!"
- return
- endif
- let l:moveCmd = 'b! '.s:BufList[l:bacBufIndex]
- endif
- let s:MRUEnable = 1
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('===============move cmd is '.l:moveCmd,1)
- " Change buffer (keeping track of before and after buffers)
- exec l:moveCmd
- let s:MRUEnable = 1
-" }}}
-" DeleteBuffer {{{
-" Delete/Unload/Wipeout a buffer but preserve the window it was in
-" a:action 0 bd, 1 bw, 2 bun
-" delete/wipeout/unload a buffer
-" a:bufNum
-" number of the buffer to be deleted
-function! <SID>DeleteBuffer(action,bang,...)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering DeleteBuffer('.a:action.','.a:bang.')',10)
- if a:0 == 0
- call <SID>DEBUG('No buffer is given, use current buffer',5)
- let l:bufNums = [ bufnr('%') ]
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('Given buffers are '.string(a:000),5)
- let l:bufNums = map(copy(a:000),'v:val =~ ''\d\+'' ? bufnr(v:val + 0) : bufnr(v:val)')
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Buffers to be deleted are '.string(l:bufNums),5)
- for l:bufNum in l:bufNums
- if <SID>IsBufferIgnored(l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Buffer '.l:bufNum.'is not a normal buffer, skip it',5)
- continue
- endif
- let l:bufName = bufname(l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Buffer to be deleted is <'.l:bufName.'>['.l:bufNum.']',5)
- " Don't want auto updates while we are processing a delete
- " request.
- let l:saveAutoUpdate = t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = 0
- " Get the currently active buffer, so we can update the MBE
- " correctly. If that is the buffer to be deleted, then get
- " the window for that buffer, so we can find which buffer
- " is in that window after the detaching.
- let l:actBuf = <SID>GetActiveBuffer()
- if l:actBuf == l:bufNum
- let l:actBufWin = bufwinnr(l:actBuf)
- endif
- " Detach the buffer from all the windows that holding it
- " in every tab page.
- tabdo call <SID>DetachBuffer(l:bufNum)
- " Find which buffer is in the active window now
- if l:actBuf == l:bufNum
- let l:actBuf = winbufnr(l:actBufWin)
- endif
- " Delete the buffer selected.
- call <SID>DEBUG('About to delete buffer: '.l:bufNum,5)
- if a:action == 2
- let l:cmd = 'bun'
- elseif a:action == 1
- let l:cmd = 'bw'
- else
- let l:cmd = 'bd'
- endif
- if a:bang
- let l:cmd = l:cmd.'!'
- endif
- let l:cmd = 'silent! '.l:cmd.' '.l:bufNum
- call <SID>DEBUG('About to execute the command "'.l:cmd.'"',5)
- exec l:cmd
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = l:saveAutoUpdate
- call <SID>UpdateExplorer(l:actBuf)
- endfor
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving DeleteBuffer()',10)
-" }}}
-" DetachBuffer {{{
-" Detach a buffer from all the windows in which it is displayed.
-function! <SID>DetachBuffer(bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering DetachBuffer('.a:bufNum.')',10)
- call <SID>DEBUG('We are currently in tab page '.tabpagenr(),10)
- let l:bufNum = a:bufNum + 0
- let l:winNum = bufwinnr(l:bufNum)
- " while we have windows that contain our buffer
- while l:winNum != -1
- call <SID>DEBUG('Buffer '.l:bufNum.' is being displayed in window: '.l:winNum,5)
- " move to window that contains our selected buffer
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:winNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('We are now in window: '.winnr(),5)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Window contains buffer: '.bufnr('%').' which should be: '.l:bufNum,5)
- let l:origBuf = bufnr('%')
- call <SID>CycleBuffer(0,1)
- let l:currBuf = bufnr('%')
- call <SID>DEBUG('Window now contains buffer: '.bufnr('%').' which should not be: '.l:bufNum,5)
- if l:origBuf == l:currBuf
- " we wrapped so we are going to have to delete a buffer
- " that is in an open window.
- let l:winNum = -1
- else
- " see if we have anymore windows with our selected buffer
- let l:winNum = bufwinnr(l:bufNum)
- endif
- endwhile
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving DetachBuffer()',10)
-" }}}
-" IsBufferIgnored - check to see if buffer should be ignored {{{
-" Returns 0 if this buffer should be displayed in the list, 1 otherwise.
-function! <SID>IsBufferIgnored(buf)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering IsBufferIgnored('.a:buf.')',10)
- " Skip unlisted buffers.
- if buflisted(a:buf) == 0 || index(s:BufList,a:buf) == -1
- call <SID>DEBUG('Buffer '.a:buf.' is unlisted, ignoring...',5)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving IsBufferIgnored()',10)
- return 1
- endif
- " Skip non normal buffers.
- if getbufvar(a:buf, "&buftype") != ''
- call <SID>DEBUG('Buffer '.a:buf.' is not normal, ignoring...',5)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving IsBufferIgnored()',10)
- return 1
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving IsBufferIgnored()',10)
- return 0
-" }}}
-" BuildBufferList - Build the text for the MBE window {{{
-" Creates the buffer list string and returns 1 if it is different than
-" last time this was called and 0 otherwise.
-function! <SID>BuildBufferList(curBufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering BuildBufferList('.a:curBufNum.')',10)
- let l:CurBufNum = a:curBufNum
- " Get the number of the last buffer.
- let l:NBuffers = bufnr('$')
- let l:tabList = []
- let l:maxTabWidth = 0
- " Loop through every buffer less than the total number of buffers.
- for l:i in s:BufList
- let l:BufName = expand( "#" . l:i . ":p:t")
- " Establish the tab's content, including the differentiating root
- " dir if neccessary
- let l:tab = '['
- if g:miniBufExplShowBufNumbers == 1
- let l:tab .= l:i.':'
- endif
- let l:tab .= s:bufUniqNameDict[l:i]
- let l:tab .= ']'
- " If the buffer is open in a window mark it
- if bufwinnr(l:i) != -1
- let l:tab .= '*'
- endif
- " If the buffer is modified then mark it
- if(getbufvar(l:i, '&modified') == 1)
- let l:tab .= '+'
- endif
- " If the buffer matches the)current buffer name, then mark it
- call <SID>DEBUG('l:i is '.l:i.' and l:CurBufNum is '.l:CurBufNum,10)
- if(l:i == l:CurBufNum)
- let l:tab .= '!'
- endif
- let l:maxTabWidth = strlen(l:tab) > l:maxTabWidth ? strlen(l:tab) : l:maxTabWidth
- call add(l:tabList, l:tab)
- endfor
- if t:miniBufExplSortBy == "name"
- call sort(l:tabList, "<SID>NameCmp")
- elseif t:miniBufExplSortBy == "mru"
- call sort(l:tabList, "<SID>MRUCmp")
- endif
- let l:miniBufExplBufList = ''
- for l:tab in l:tabList
- let l:miniBufExplBufList = l:miniBufExplBufList.l:tab
- " If horizontal and tab wrap is turned on we need to add spaces
- if g:miniBufExplVSplit == 0
- if g:miniBufExplTabWrap != 0
- let l:miniBufExplBufList = l:miniBufExplBufList.' '
- endif
- " If not horizontal we need a newline
- else
- let l:miniBufExplBufList = l:miniBufExplBufList . "\n"
- endif
- endfor
- if (s:miniBufExplBufList != l:miniBufExplBufList)
- let s:maxTabWidth = l:maxTabWidth
- let s:miniBufExplBufList = l:miniBufExplBufList
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BuildBufferList()',10)
- return 1
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BuildBufferList()',10)
- return 0
- endif
-" }}}
-" CreateBufferUniqName {{{
-" Construct a unique buffer name using the parts from the signature index of
-" the path.
-function! <SID>CreateBufferUniqName(bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering CreateBufferUniqName('.a:bufNum.')',10)
- let l:bufNum = 0 + a:bufNum
- let l:bufName = expand( "#" . l:bufNum . ":p:t")
- " Remove []'s & ()'s, these chars are preserved for buffer name locating
- let l:bufName = substitute(l:bufName, '[][()]', '', 'g')
- " Create a unique name for unamed buffer
- if empty(l:bufName)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving CreateBufferUniqName()',10)
- return '--NO NAME--'.localtime()
- endif
- let l:bufPathPrefix = ""
- if(!has_key(s:bufPathSignDict, l:bufNum))
- call <SID>DEBUG(l:bufNum . ' is not in s:bufPathSignDict, aborting...',5)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving CreateBufferUniqName()',10)
- return l:bufName
- endif
- let l:signs = s:bufPathSignDict[l:bufNum]
- if(empty(l:signs))
- call <SID>DEBUG('Signs for ' . l:bufNum . ' is empty, aborting...',5)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving CreateBufferUniqName()',10)
- return l:bufName
- endif
- for l:sign in l:signs
- call <SID>DEBUG('l:sign is ' . l:sign,5)
- if empty(get(s:bufPathDict[l:bufNum],l:sign))
- continue
- endif
- let l:bufPathSignPart = get(s:bufPathDict[l:bufNum],l:sign).'/'
- " If the index is not right after the previous one and it is also not the
- " last one, then put a '-' before it
- if exists('l:last') && l:last + 1 != l:sign
- let l:bufPathSignPart = '-/'.l:bufPathSignPart
- endif
- let l:bufPathPrefix = l:bufPathPrefix.l:bufPathSignPart
- let l:last = l:sign
- endfor
- " If the last signature index is not the last index of the path, then put
- " a '-' after it
- if l:sign < len(s:bufPathDict[l:bufNum]) - 1
- let l:bufPathPrefix = l:bufPathPrefix.'-/'
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Uniq name for ' . l:bufNum . ' is ' . l:bufPathPrefix.l:bufName,5)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving CreateBufferUniqName()',10)
- return l:bufPathPrefix.l:bufName
-" }}}
-" UpdateBufferNameDict {{{
-function! <SID>UpdateBufferNameDict(bufNum,deleted)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering UpdateBufferNameDict('.a:bufNum.','.a:deleted.')',10)
- let l:bufNum = 0 + a:bufNum
- let l:bufName = expand( "#" . l:bufNum . ":p:t")
- " Identify buffers with no name
- if empty(l:bufName)
- let l:bufName = '--NO NAME--'
- endif
- " Remove a deleted buffer from the buffer name dictionary
- if a:deleted
- if has_key(s:bufNameDict, l:bufName)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found entry for deleted buffer '.l:bufNum,5)
- let l:bufnrs = s:bufNameDict[l:bufName]
- call filter(l:bufnrs, 'v:val != '.l:bufNum)
- let s:bufNameDict[l:bufName] = l:bufnrs
- call <SID>DEBUG('Delete entry for deleted buffer '.l:bufNum,5)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferNameDict()',10)
- return
- endif
- if(!has_key(s:bufNameDict, l:bufName))
- call <SID>DEBUG('Adding empty list for ' . l:bufName,5)
- let s:bufNameDict[l:bufName] = []
- endif
- if index(s:bufNameDict[l:bufName],l:bufNum) == -1
- call add(s:bufNameDict[l:bufName], l:bufNum)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferNameDict()',10)
-" }}}
-" UpdateBufferPathDict {{{
-function! <SID>UpdateBufferPathDict(bufNum,deleted)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering UpdateBufferPathDict('.a:bufNum.','.a:deleted.')',10)
- let l:bufNum = 0 + a:bufNum
- let l:bufPath = expand( "#" . l:bufNum . ":p:h")
- let l:bufName = expand( "#" . l:bufNum . ":p:t")
- " Identify buffers with no name
- if empty(l:bufName)
- let l:bufName = '--NO NAME--'
- endif
- " Remove a deleted buffer from the buffer path dictionary
- if a:deleted
- if has_key(s:bufNameDict, l:bufName)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found entry for deleted buffer '.l:bufNum,5)
- let l:bufnrs = s:bufNameDict[l:bufName]
- call filter(s:bufPathDict, 'v:key != '.l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Delete entry for deleted buffer '.l:bufNum,5)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferPathDict()',10)
- return
- endif
- let s:bufPathDict[l:bufNum] = split(l:bufPath,s:PathSeparator,0)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferPathDict()',10)
-" }}}
-" BuildBufferPathSignDict {{{
-" Compare the parts from the same index of all the buffer's paths, if there
-" are differences, it means this index is a signature index for all the
-" buffer's paths, mark it. At this point, the buffers are splited into several
-" subsets. Then, doing the same check for each subset on the next index. We
-" should finally get a set of signature locations which will uniquely identify
-" the path. We could then construct a string with these locaitons using as
-" less characters as possible.
-function! <SID>BuildBufferPathSignDict(bufnrs, ...)
- if a:0 == 0
- let index = 0
- else
- let index = a:1
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering BuildBufferPathSignDict('.string(a:bufnrs).','.index.')',10)
- let bufnrs = a:bufnrs
- " Temporary dictionary to see if there is any different part
- let partDict = {}
- " Marker to see if there are more avaliable parts
- let moreParts = 0
- " Group the buffers by this part of the buffer's path
- for bufnr in bufnrs
- " Make sure each buffer has an entry in 's:bufPathSignDict'
- " If index is zero, we force re-initialize the entry
- if index == 0 || !has_key(s:bufPathSignDict, bufnr)
- let s:bufPathSignDict[bufnr] = []
- endif
- " If some buffers' path does not have this index, we skip it
- if len(s:bufPathDict[bufnr]) < index
- continue
- endif
- " Mark that there are still available paths
- let moreParts = 1
- " Get requested part of the path
- let part = get(s:bufPathDict[bufnr],index)
- if empty(part)
- let part = '--EMPTY--'
- endif
- " Group the buffers using dictionary by this part
- if(!has_key(partDict, part))
- let partDict[part] = []
- endif
- call add(partDict[part],bufnr)
- endfor
- " All the paths have been walked to the end
- if !moreParts
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BuildBufferPathSignDict() '.index,10)
- return
- endif
- " We only need the buffer subsets from now on
- let subsets = values(partDict)
- " If the buffers have been splited into more than one subset, or all the
- " remaining buffers are still in the same subset but some buffers' path
- " have hit the end, then mark this index as signature index.
- if len(partDict) > 1 || ( len(partDict) == 1 && len(subsets[0]) < len(bufnrs) )
- " Store the signature index in the 's:bufPathSignDict' variable
- for bufnr in bufnrs
- call add(s:bufPathSignDict[bufnr],index)
- endfor
- " For all buffer subsets, increase the index by one, run again.
- for subset in subsets
- " If we only have one buffer left in the subset, it means there are
- " already enough signature index sufficient to identify the buffer
- if len(subset) <= 1
- continue
- endif
- call <SID>BuildBufferPathSignDict(subset, index + 1)
- endfor
- " If all the buffers are in the same subset, then this index is not a
- " signature index, increase the index by one, run again.
- else
- call <SID>BuildBufferPathSignDict(bufnrs, index + 1)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BuildBufferPathSignDict() '.index,10)
-" }}}
-" UpdateBufferPathSignDict {{{
-function! <SID>UpdateBufferPathSignDict(bufNum,deleted)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering UpdateBufferPathSignDict('.a:bufNum.','.a:deleted.')',10)
- let l:bufNum = 0 + a:bufNum
- " Remove a deleted buffer from the buffer path signature dictionary
- if a:deleted
- if has_key(s:bufPathSignDict, l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found entry for deleted buffer '.l:bufNum,5)
- call filter(s:bufPathSignDict, 'v:key != '.l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Delete entry for deleted buffer '.l:bufNum,5)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferPathSignDict()',10)
- return
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferPathSignDict()',10)
-" }}}
-" BuildBufferFinalDict {{{
-function! <SID>BuildBufferFinalDict(arg,deleted)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering BuildBufferFinalDict('.string(a:arg).','.a:deleted.')',10)
- if type(a:arg) == 3
- let l:bufnrs = a:arg
- else
- let l:bufNum = 0 + a:arg
- let l:bufName = expand( "#" . l:bufNum . ":p:t")
- " Identify buffers with no name
- if empty(l:bufName)
- let l:bufName = '--NO NAME--'
- endif
- if(!has_key(s:bufNameDict, l:bufName))
- call <SID>DEBUG(l:bufName . ' is not in s:bufNameDict, aborting...',5)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BuildBufferFinalDict()',10)
- return
- endif
- let l:bufnrs = s:bufNameDict[l:bufName]
- " Remove a deleted buffer from the buffer unique name dictionary
- if a:deleted
- call <SID>UpdateBufferPathSignDict(l:bufNum, a:deleted)
- call <SID>UpdateBufferUniqNameDict(l:bufNum, a:deleted)
- endif
- endif
- call <SID>BuildBufferPathSignDict(l:bufnrs)
- call <SID>BuildBufferUniqNameDict(l:bufnrs)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BuildBufferFinalDict()',10)
-" }}}
-" BuildBufferUniqNameDict {{{
-function! <SID>BuildBufferUniqNameDict(bufnrs)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering BuildBufferUniqNameDict('.string(a:bufnrs).')',10)
- let l:bufnrs = a:bufnrs
- for bufnr in l:bufnrs
- call <SID>UpdateBufferUniqNameDict(bufnr,0)
- endfor
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BuildBufferUniqNameDict()',10)
-" }}}
-" UpdateBufferUniqNameDict {{{
-function! <SID>UpdateBufferUniqNameDict(bufNum,deleted)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering UpdateBufferUniqNameDict('.a:bufNum.','.a:deleted.')',10)
- let l:bufNum = 0 + a:bufNum
- " Remove a deleted buffer from the buffer path dictionary
- if a:deleted
- if has_key(s:bufUniqNameDict, l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found entry for deleted buffer '.l:bufNum,5)
- call filter(s:bufUniqNameDict, 'v:key != '.l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Delete entry for deleted buffer '.l:bufNum,5)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferUniqNameDict()',10)
- return
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Creating buffer name for ' . l:bufNum,5)
- let l:bufUniqName = <SID>CreateBufferUniqName(l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Setting ' . l:bufNum . ' to ' . l:bufUniqName,5)
- let s:bufUniqNameDict[l:bufNum] = l:bufUniqName
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferUniqNameDict()',10)
-" }}}
-" BuildAllBufferDicts {{{
-function! <SID>BuildAllBufferDicts()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering BuildAllBuffersDicts()',10)
- " Get the number of the last buffer.
- let l:NBuffers = bufnr('$')
- " Loop through every buffer less than the total number of buffers.
- let l:i = 0
- while(l:i <= l:NBuffers)
- if <SID>IsBufferIgnored(l:i)
- let l:i = l:i + 1
- continue
- endif
- call <SID>UpdateBufferNameDict(l:i,0)
- call <SID>UpdateBufferPathDict(l:i,0)
- call <SID>UpdateBufferStateDict(l:i,0)
- let l:i = l:i + 1
- endwhile
- for bufnrs in values(s:bufNameDict)
- call <SID>BuildBufferFinalDict(bufnrs,0)
- endfor
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving BuildAllBuffersDicts()',10)
-" }}}
-" UpdateAllBufferDicts {{{
-function! <SID>UpdateAllBufferDicts(bufNum,deleted)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering UpdateAllBuffersDicts('.a:bufNum.','.a:deleted.')',10)
- call <SID>UpdateBufferNameDict(a:bufNum,a:deleted)
- call <SID>UpdateBufferPathDict(a:bufNum,a:deleted)
- call <SID>UpdateBufferStateDict(a:bufNum,a:deleted)
- call <SID>BuildBufferFinalDict(a:bufNum,a:deleted)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateAllBuffersDicts()',10)
-" }}}
-" UpdateBufferStateDict {{{
-function! <SID>UpdateBufferStateDict(bufNum,deleted)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering UpdateBufferStateDict('.a:bufNum.','.a:deleted.')',10)
- let l:bufNum = 0 + a:bufNum
- if a:deleted && has_key(s:bufStateDict, l:bufNum)
- call filter(s:bufStateDict, 'v:key != '.l:bufNum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferStateDict()',10)
- return
- endif
- if has_key(s:bufStateDict, l:bufNum)
- if s:bufStateDict[l:bufNum] != getbufvar(a:bufNum, '&modified')
- let s:bufStateDict[l:bufNum] = getbufvar(a:bufNum, '&modified')
- call <SID>AutoUpdate(bufnr(a:bufNum),0)
- endif
- else
- let s:bufStateDict[l:bufNum] = getbufvar(a:bufNum, '&modified')
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving UpdateBufferStateDict()',10)
-" }}}
-" NameCmp - compares tabs based on filename {{{
-function! <SID>NameCmp(tab1, tab2)
- let l:name1 = matchstr(a:tab1, ":.*")
- let l:name2 = matchstr(a:tab2, ":.*")
- if l:name1 < l:name2
- return -1
- elseif l:name1 > l:name2
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
-" }}}
-" MRUCmp - compares tabs based on MRU order {{{
-function! <SID>MRUCmp(tab1, tab2)
- let l:buf1 = str2nr(matchstr(a:tab1, '[0-9]\+'))
- let l:buf2 = str2nr(matchstr(a:tab2, '[0-9]\+'))
- return index(s:MRUList, l:buf1) - index(s:MRUList, l:buf2)
-" }}}
-" HasEligibleBuffers - Are there enough MBE eligible buffers to open the MBE window? {{{
-" Returns 1 if there are any buffers that can be displayed in a
-" mini buffer explorer. Otherwise returns 0.
-function! <SID>HasEligibleBuffers()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering HasEligibleBuffers()',10)
- let l:found = len(s:BufList)
- let l:needed = g:miniBufExplBuffersNeeded
- call <SID>DEBUG('Eligible buffers are '.string(s:BufList),6)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found '.l:found.' eligible buffers of '.l:needed.' needed',6)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving HasEligibleBuffers()',10)
- return (l:found >= l:needed)
-" }}}
-" Auto Update - Function called by auto commands for auto updating the MBE {{{
-" IF auto update is turned on AND
-" we are in a real buffer AND
-" we have enough eligible buffers THEN
-" Update our explorer and get back to the current window
-" If we get a buffer number for a buffer that
-" is being deleted, we need to make sure and
-" remove the buffer from the list of eligible
-" buffers in case we are down to one eligible
-" buffer, in which case we will want to close
-" the MBE window.
-function! <SID>AutoUpdate(curBufNum,force)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering AutoUpdate('.a:curBufNum.')',10)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Current state: '.winnr().' : '.bufnr('%').' : '.bufname('%'),10)
- if (s:miniBufExplInAutoUpdate == 1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('AutoUpdate recursion stopped',9)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving AutoUpdate()',10)
- return
- else
- let s:miniBufExplInAutoUpdate = 1
- endif
- " Skip windows holding ignored buffer
- if !a:force && <SID>IsBufferIgnored(a:curBufNum) == 1
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving AutoUpdate()',10)
- let s:miniBufExplInAutoUpdate = 0
- return
- endif
- if s:MRUEnable == 1
- call <SID>ListPush(s:MRUList,a:curBufNum)
- endif
- " Only allow updates when the AutoUpdate flag is set
- " this allows us to stop updates on startup.
- if exists('t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate') && t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate == 1
- " if we don't have a window then create one
- let l:winnr = <SID>FindWindow('-MiniBufExplorer-', 1)
- if (exists('t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck') && t:skipEligibleBuffersCheck == 1) || <SID>HasEligibleBuffers() == 1
- if (l:winnr == -1)
- if g:miniBufExplAutoStart == 1
- call <SID>DEBUG('MiniBufExplorer was not running, starting...', 9)
- call <SID>StartExplorer(a:curBufNum)
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('MiniBufExplorer was not running, aborting...', 9)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving AutoUpdate()',10)
- let s:miniBufExplInAutoUpdate = 0
- return
- endif
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('Updating MiniBufExplorer...', 9)
- call <SID>UpdateExplorer(a:curBufNum)
- endif
- else
- if (l:winnr == -1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('MiniBufExplorer was not running, aborting...', 9)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving AutoUpdate()',10)
- let s:miniBufExplInAutoUpdate = 0
- return
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('Failed in eligible check', 9)
- call <SID>StopExplorer(0)
- " we do not want to turn auto-updating off
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = 1
- endif
- endif
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('AutoUpdates are turned off, terminating',9)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving AutoUpdate()',10)
- let s:miniBufExplInAutoUpdate = 0
-" }}}
-" QuitIfLastOpen {{{
-function! <SID>QuitIfLastOpen() abort
- " Quit MBE if no more mormal window left
- if (bufname('%') == '-MiniBufExplorer-') && (<SID>NextNormalWindow() == -1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('MBE is the last open window, quit it', 9)
- if tabpagenr('$') == 1
- " Before quitting Vim, delete the MBE buffer so that
- " the '0 mark is correctly set to the previous buffer.
- " Also disable autocmd on this command to avoid unnecessary
- " autocmd nesting.
- if winnr('$') == 1
- noautocmd bdelete
- endif
- quit
- else
- close
- endif
- endif
-" }}}
-" GetActiveBuffer {{{
-function! <SID>GetActiveBuffer()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering GetActiveBuffer()',10)
- let l:bufNum = substitute(s:miniBufExplBufList,'\[\([0-9]*\):[^\]]*\][^\!]*!', '\1', '') + 0
- call <SID>DEBUG('Currently active buffer is '.l:bufNum,10)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving GetActiveBuffer()',10)
- return l:bufNum
-" }}}
-" GetSelectedBuffer - From the MBE window, return the bufnum for buf under cursor {{{
-" If we are in our explorer window then return the buffer number
-" for the buffer under the cursor.
-function! <SID>GetSelectedBuffer()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering GetSelectedBuffer()',10)
- " Make sure we are in our window
- if bufname('%') != '-MiniBufExplorer-'
- call <SID>DEBUG('GetSelectedBuffer called in invalid window',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving GetSelectedBuffer()',10)
- return -1
- endif
- let l:save_rep = &report
- let l:save_sc = &showcmd
- let &report = 10000
- set noshowcmd
- let l:save_reg = @"
- let @" = ""
- normal ""yi[
- if @" != ""
- if !g:miniBufExplShowBufNumbers
- " This is a bit ugly, but it works, unless we come up with a
- " better way to get the key for a dictionary by its value.
- let l:bufUniqNameDictKeys = keys(s:bufUniqNameDict)
- let l:bufUniqNameDictValues = values(s:bufUniqNameDict)
- let l:retv = l:bufUniqNameDictKeys[match(l:bufUniqNameDictValues,substitute(@",'[0-9]*:\(.*\)', '\1', ''))]
- else
- let l:retv = substitute(@",'\([0-9]*\):.*', '\1', '') + 0
- endif
- let @" = l:save_reg
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving GetSelectedBuffer()',10)
- return l:retv
- else
- let @" = l:save_reg
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving GetSelectedBuffer()',10)
- return -1
- endif
- let &report = l:save_rep
- let &showcmd = l:save_sc
-" }}}
-" MBESelectBuffer - From the MBE window, open buffer under the cursor {{{
-" If we are in our explorer, then we attempt to open the buffer under the
-" cursor in the previous window.
-" Split indicates whether to open with split, 0 no split, 1 split horizontally
-function! <SID>MBESelectBuffer(split)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering MBESelectBuffer()',10)
- " Make sure we are in our window
- if bufname('%') != '-MiniBufExplorer-'
- call <SID>DEBUG('MBESelectBuffer called in invalid window',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving MBESelectBuffer()',10)
- return
- endif
- let l:bufnr = <SID>GetSelectedBuffer()
- if(l:bufnr != -1) " If the buffer exists.
- let l:saveAutoUpdate = t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = 0
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',1)
- if <SID>IsBufferIgnored(bufnr('%'))
- let l:winNum = <SID>NextNormalWindow()
- if l:winNum != -1
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:winNum)
- else
- call <SID>DEBUG('No elegible window avaliable',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving MBESelectBuffer()',10)
- return
- endif
- endif
- if a:split == 0
- exec 'b! '.l:bufnr
- elseif a:split == 1
- exec 'sb! '.l:bufnr
- elseif a:split == 2
- exec 'vertical sb! '.l:bufnr
- endif
- let t:miniBufExplAutoUpdate = l:saveAutoUpdate
- call <SID>AutoUpdate(bufnr("%"),0)
- endif
- if g:miniBufExplCloseOnSelect == 1
- call <SID>StopExplorer(0)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving MBESelectBuffer()',10)
-" }}}
-" MBEDeleteBuffer - From the MBE window, delete selected buffer from list {{{
-" After making sure that we are in our explorer, This will delete the buffer
-" under the cursor. If the buffer under the cursor is being displayed in a
-" window, this routine will attempt to get different buffers into the
-" windows that will be affected so that windows don't get removed.
-function! <SID>MBEDeleteBuffer()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering MBEDeleteBuffer()',10)
- " Make sure we are in our window
- if bufname('%') != '-MiniBufExplorer-'
- call <SID>DEBUG('MBEDeleteBuffer called in invalid window',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving MBEDeleteBuffer()',10)
- return
- endif
- let l:selBuf = <SID>GetSelectedBuffer()
- if l:selBuf != -1
- call <SID>DeleteBuffer(0,0,l:selBuf)
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving MBEDeleteBuffer()',10)
-" }}}
-" NextNormalWindow {{{
-function! <SID>NextNormalWindow()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering NextNormalWindow()',10)
- let l:winSum = winnr('$')
- call <SID>DEBUG('Total number of open windows are '.l:winSum,9)
- let l:i = 1
- while(l:i <= l:winSum)
- call <SID>DEBUG('window: '.l:i.', buffer: ('.winbufnr(l:i).':'.bufname(winbufnr(l:i)).')',9)
- if !<SID>IsBufferIgnored(winbufnr(l:i)) && l:i != winnr()
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found window '.l:i,8)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving NextNormalWindow()',10)
- return l:i
- endif
- let l:i = l:i + 1
- endwhile
- call <SID>DEBUG('Found no window',8)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving NextNormalWindow()',10)
- return -1
-" }}}
-" ListAdd {{{
-function! <SID>ListAdd(list,val)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering ListAdd('.string(a:list).','.a:val.')',10)
- call add(a:list, a:val)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ListAdd()',10)
-" }}}
-" ListPop {{{
-function! <SID>ListPop(list,val)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering ListPop('.string(a:list).','.a:val.')',10)
- call filter(a:list, 'v:val != '.a:val)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ListPop()',10)
-" }}}
-" ListPush {{{
-function! <SID>ListPush(list,val)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering ListPush('.string(a:list).','.a:val.')',10)
- " Remove the buffer number from the list if it already exists.
- call <SID>ListPop(a:list,a:val)
- " Add the buffer number to the head of the list.
- call insert(a:list,a:val)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving ListPush()',10)
-" }}}
-" DEBUG - Display debug output when debugging is turned on {{{
-" Thanks to Charles E. Campbell, Jr. PhD <>
-" for Decho.vim which was the inspiration for this enhanced debugging
-" capability.
-let g:miniBufExplFuncCallDepth = 0
-function! <SID>DEBUG(msg, level)
- if g:miniBufExplDebugLevel >= a:level
- if a:level == 10 && a:msg =~ '^Entering'
- let g:miniBufExplFuncCallDepth += 1
- endif
- if a:msg =~ '^Entering'
- let l:msg = repeat('│ ',g:miniBufExplFuncCallDepth - 1).'┌ '.a:msg
- elseif a:msg =~ '^Leaving'
- let l:msg = repeat('│ ',g:miniBufExplFuncCallDepth - 1).'└ '.a:msg
- else
- let l:msg = repeat('│ ',g:miniBufExplFuncCallDepth).a:msg
- endif
- " Prevent a report of our actions from showing up.
- let l:save_rep = &report
- let l:save_sc = &showcmd
- let &report = 10000
- set noshowcmd
- " Debug output to a buffer
- if g:miniBufExplDebugMode == 0
- if bufname('%') == 'MiniBufExplorer.DBG'
- return
- endif
- " Get into the debug window or create it if needed
- let l:winNum = <SID>FindCreateWindow('MiniBufExplorer.DBG', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0)
- if l:winNum == -1
- let g:miniBufExplDebugMode == 3
- call <SID>DEBUG('Failed to get the MBE debugging window, reset debugging mode to 3.',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Forwarding message...',1)
- call <SID>DEBUG(a:msg,1)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Forwarding message end.',1)
- return
- endif
- " Save the current window number so we can come back here
- let l:currWin = winnr()
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',1)
- " Change to debug window
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:winNum)
- " Make sure we really got to our window, if not we
- " will display a confirm dialog and turn debugging
- " off so that we won't break things even more.
- if bufname('%') != 'MiniBufExplorer.DBG'
- call confirm('Error in window debugging code. Dissabling MiniBufExplorer debugging.', 'OK')
- let g:miniBufExplDebugLevel = 0
- return
- endif
- set modified
- " Write Message to DBG buffer
- let res=append("$",s:debugIndex.':'.a:level.':'.a:msg)
- set nomodified
- norm G
- " Return to original window
- call s:SwitchWindow('p',1)
- call s:SwitchWindow('w',1,l:currWin)
- " Debug output using VIM's echo facility
- elseif g:miniBufExplDebugMode == 1
- echo s:debugIndex.':'.a:level.':'.a:msg
- " Debug output to a file -- VERY SLOW!!!
- " should be OK on UNIX and Win32 (not the 95/98 variants)
- elseif g:miniBufExplDebugMode == 2
- if has('system') || has('fork')
- if has('win32') && !has('win95')
- let l:result = system("cmd /c 'echo ".s:debugIndex.':'.a:level.':'.a:msg." >> MiniBufExplorer.DBG'")
- endif
- if has('unix')
- let l:result = system("echo '".s:debugIndex.':'.a:level.':'.a:msg." >> MiniBufExplorer.DBG'")
- endif
- else
- call confirm('Error in file writing version of the debugging code, vim not compiled with system or fork. Dissabling MiniBufExplorer debugging.', 'OK')
- let g:miniBufExplDebugLevel = 0
- endif
- elseif g:miniBufExplDebugMode == 3
- let g:miniBufExplDebugOutput = g:miniBufExplDebugOutput."\n".s:debugIndex."\t".':'.a:level."\t".':'.l:msg
- endif
- let s:debugIndex = s:debugIndex + 1
- if a:level == 10 && a:msg =~ '^Leaving'
- let g:miniBufExplFuncCallDepth -= 1
- endif
- let &report = l:save_rep
- let &showcmd = l:save_sc
- endif
-" }}}
-" SwitchWindow {{{
-function! s:SwitchWindow(action, ...)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Entering SwitchWindow('.a:action.','.string(a:000).')',10)
- if a:action !~ '[hjkltbwWpP]'
- call <SID>DEBUG('invalid window action : '.a:action,10)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving SwitchWindow()',10)
- return
- endif
- if exists('a:1') && a:1 == 1
- let l:aucmd = 'noautocmd '
- else
- let l:aucmd = ''
- endif
- if exists('a:2')
- let l:winnr = a:2
- else
- let l:winnr = ''
- endif
- call <SID>DEBUG('previous window is: '.winnr(),10)
- let l:wincmd = l:aucmd.l:winnr.'wincmd '.a:action
- call <SID>DEBUG('window switching command is: '.l:wincmd,10)
- exec l:wincmd
- call <SID>DEBUG('current window is: '.winnr(),10)
- call <SID>DEBUG('Leaving SwitchWindow()',10)
-" }}}
-" vim:ft=vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:nowrap:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:softtabstop=2:smarttab:shiftround:expandtab