Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* update script to dump shell colorsjohannst2020-05-131-3/+4
* zshrc: updated base16 propmptjohannst2020-03-301-3/+7
* zshrc: added PS_FORMATjohannst2020-03-301-0/+4
* fix spaces in gitconfigjohannst2020-03-191-7/+7
* updated gitconfigjohannst2020-03-191-6/+19
* Added MIT licenseJohannes Stölp2020-03-131-0/+21
* zsh added fzf loaderjohannst2020-03-081-0/+26
* added zoxidejohannst2020-03-082-0/+4
* fd/rg alias add no ignore; grep dont ignore binary by defaultjstolp2020-02-201-2/+4
* vimrc: added undodirjohannst2020-02-121-0/+9
* bootstrap vundle in vimrc instead installerjohannst2019-11-302-2/+15
* added redshift i3blocks entry + script to controljohannst2019-11-202-2/+48
* zshrc tabl completion added groupingjohannst2019-11-191-11/+19
* adapted PS1johannst2019-11-141-2/+3
* zshrc: updated ps1johannst2019-11-051-3/+4
* i3blocks add vpn statusjohannst2019-10-131-0/+5
* emacs configure comapny mode + adding company c headerjohannst2019-09-061-1/+18
* add evil scroll + occur key mappingjohannst2019-09-041-0/+6
* configure backup dirjohannst2019-09-041-0/+1
* disable helm & helm-projectilejohannst2019-09-041-11/+11
* emacs re-mapped helm projectile find file keyjohannst2019-08-291-1/+1
* emacs: configured org-capturejohannst2019-08-291-6/+10
* emacs short y/n promptingjohannst2019-08-271-0/+3
* emacs minor org mode configjohannst2019-08-261-2/+4
* added leader key + helm-projectile + racer-find-definition mappingjohannst2019-08-251-0/+7
* generate install config && deleted install.configjohannst2019-08-243-19/+22
* added helm-projectile to emacs configjohannst2019-08-241-0/+7
* added racer + company to emacs configjohannst2019-08-241-1/+23
* minor cleanup of emacs configjohannst2019-08-241-9/+9
* emacs: added M-hjkl alternative to M-arrow_keys in org modejohannst2019-08-231-0/+7
* updated emacs configjohannst2019-08-221-13/+61
* emacs disabled tabs by defaultjohannst2019-08-191-0/+1
* zshrc: added cmd time hooksU-SYNOPSYS\jstolp2019-08-191-0/+21
* added emacs config & installerjohannst2019-08-183-0/+46
* added interactive comments zshrcU-SYNOPSYS\jstolp2019-07-301-0/+1
* upadte gitconfigjohannst2019-07-161-1/+1
* added -y flag to install to auto answer yesjohannst2019-07-131-4/+6
* gdbinit: color prompt + remove hook commentsJohannes Stoelp2019-07-071-11/+1
* added print to install rust tools scriptjohannst2019-07-071-0/+1
* updated gitconfigjohannst2019-07-071-1/+1
* added header to rust tool install scriptjohannst2019-05-281-0/+2
* vimrc: added background setting to get proper color settingsjohannst2019-05-281-1/+3
* zshrc: remove oh-my-zsh dep, too much annoying stuffs therejohannst2019-05-281-14/+31
* zshrc: moved syntax highligher to the end as suggested by readmejohannst2019-05-281-1/+1
* zshrc: removed oh-my-zsh git pluginjohannst2019-05-281-2/+1
* vimrc: added plugins, vim-rooter, vim-highlightedyank, vim-multicursorjohannst2019-05-191-2/+7
* vimrc: cleaned up more old configsjohannst2019-05-191-155/+22
* vimrc: remove more plugins and align tabs/spacesjohannst2019-05-191-60/+41
* vimrc: cleanup of unused pluginjohannst2019-05-191-46/+5
* install: removed vim base16 theme source, not neededjohannst2019-05-191-5/+1