# dotfiles -- bashrc # author: johannst #{{{ general if [ "$TERM" == "screen" ]; then export TERM=screen-256color; fi if [ "$TERM" == "xterm" ]; then export TERM=xterm-256color; fi # disable sticky mode stty -ixon # disable ctrl-d logoff set -o ignoreeof on # remove permissions for others when creating file/folder umask 0027 function kbus { setxkbmap us } function kbde { setxkbmap de } #}}} #{{{ bash mode # list current readline mappings # bind -p function vimode { set -o vi bind -m vi-insert '"jj":vi-movement-mode' bind -m vi-insert 'Control-l:clear-screen' bind -m vi-command '"diw":"bdw"' bind -m vi-command 'Control-a:beginning-of-line' bind -m vi-command 'Control-e:end-of-line' bind -m vi-insert 'Control-a:beginning-of-line' bind -m vi-insert 'Control-e:end-of-line' #bind -m vi-command '"v":""' # disable opening tmp file } function normalmode { set -o emacs } # default mode vimode #}}} #{{{ alias alias ls='ls --color=auto --human-readable' alias ll='ls -l --classify' alias la='ls --almost-all --classify' alias lt='ll -t --reverse' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias pstree='pstree -achpA' alias watchpstree='watch -n 2 pstree -achpA' alias ps='\ps --forest --format pid,ppid,stat,start,command' alias ups='\ps xww --forest --format pid,ppid,tty,stat,start,command' alias pps='ps | grep -i $1' alias penv='env | grep -i $1' alias rsync='rsync --progress' alias ts='date +%Y%m%d_%H\h%Mm' #}}} #{{{ color definition BCol_NoColor='\e[m' BCol_DarkRed='\e[38;5;88m' BCol_DarkOrange='\e[38;5;202m' BCol_LightOrange='\e[38;5;208m' #BCol_LightGray='\e[38;5;7m' BCol_Yellow='\e[38;5;226m' BCol_LightBlue='\e[38;5;74m' BCol_BlueGray='\e[38;5;67m' BCol_YellowOrange='\e[38;5;214m' BCol_BrightRed='\e[38;5;196m' BCol_DarkGray='\e[38;5;242m' BCol_MediumGray='\e[38;5;246m' BCol_LightGray='\e[38;5;252m' BCol_DarkBlue='\e[38;5;26m' BCol_BrightGreen='\e[38;5;40m' #}}} #{{{ bash prompt #export PS1="[\s] \[${BCol_DarkRed}\]::\[${BCol_DarkOrange}\]\u\[${BCol_DarkRed}\]::\[${BCol_LightOrange}\]\H\[${BCol_LightGray}\]:$(tty) - \[${BCol_Yellow}\]\t\[${BCol_LightGray}\] - \[${BCol_LightBlue}\]\w\n\[${BCol_NoColor}\][\[${BCol_YellowOrange}\]\${?}\[${BCol_NoColor}\]] \[${BCol_BlueGray}\]>>\[${BCol_NoColor}\] " # \s shell type #export PS1="\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]::\[${BCol_MediumGray}\]\u\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]::\[${BCol_LightGray}\]\H\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]:\[${BCol_DarkGray}\]$(tty) \[${BCol_LightGray}\] - \[${BCol_DarkBlue}\]\w\n\ #\[${BCol_NoColor}\][\[${BCol_BrightGreen}\]\${?}\[${BCol_NoColor}\]] \$>\[${BCol_NoColor}\] " #✓ #✗ function return_val_formater() { local ret=$1 local ret_str="${ret}${BCol_NoColor}" [[ $ret == 0 ]] \ && ret_str="${BCol_BrightGreen}${ret_str}" \ || ret_str="${BCol_BrightRed}${ret_str}" echo -e "$ret_str"; } function pwd_formater() { local pwd=$1 local ret_str=$(echo $pwd | sed "s#[^A-Za-z]\+#\\${BCol_BrightRed}/\\${BCol_DarkBlue}#") echo -e "$ret_str"; } function job_count() { local num_jobs=$(jobs -p | wc -l) echo -e "$num_jobs" } function save_exit_code() { # Used in PS1 computation to store the actual return value of the command run in the shell. # Need to be called as first function in PS1. As we use more commands in the PS1 computations this # would lead to reporting a wrong return value later. echo "$1" > $2 } export PS1="\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]::\[${BCol_MediumGray}\]\u\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]::\[${BCol_LightGray}\]\H\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]:\[${BCol_DarkGray}\]$(tty) \[${BCol_LightGray}\] - \[${BCol_DarkBlue}\]\w\n\ \[${BCol_NoColor}\][\$(ret=\$?; if [[ \$ret == 0 ]]; then echo \"\[${BCol_BrightGreen}\]\$ret\"; else echo \"\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]\$ret\"; fi)\[${BCol_NoColor}\]] \$> " #export PS1="\$(save_exit_code \$? ~/.bash_exit)\ #\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]::\[${BCol_MediumGray}\]\u\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]\ #::\[${BCol_LightGray}\]\H\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]\ #:\[${BCol_DarkGray}\]$(tty)\[${BCol_LightGray}\] - \[${BCol_DarkBlue}\]\w\n\ #\[${BCol_NoColor}\][\$(return_val_formater \$(cat ~/.bash_exit))\[${BCol_NoColor}\]] \$> " #\[${BCol_NoColor}\][\$(ret=\$(cat ~/.bash_exit); if [[ \$ret == 0 ]]; then echo \"\[${BCol_BrightGreen}\]\$ret\"; else echo \"\[${BCol_BrightRed}\]\$ret\"; fi)\[${BCol_NoColor}\]] \$> " #$export PROMPT_COMMAND="echo -e ''" #}}} #{{{ ls colors export LS_COLORS='di=94:ln=96:or=96;41:so=0:pi=0:ex=01;92:bd=0;42:cd=0;42:su=0:sg=0:tw=30;44:ow=30;44' #}}} #{{{ colored printers function pline() { local col=$1 local tag=$2 local msg=$3 echo -e "$col[$tag]: $msg${BCol_NoColor}" } function pinfo() { local msg=$1 local tag=${2:-INFO} pline ${BCol_BrightGreen} $tag "${msg}" } function pwarn () { local msg=$1 local tag=${2:-WARN} pline ${BCol_YellowOrange} $tag "${msg}" } function perr() { local msg=$1 local exit=${2:-exit} local tag=${3:-ERR} pline ${BCol_BrightRed} $tag "${msg}" [[ "$exit" == "exit" ]] && exit 1 || return 0 } #}}} #{{{ save/restore settings function save_bash_options() { local backup_file=$1 set +o >> $backup_file } function save_bash_exports() { local backup_file=$1 export -p >> $backup_file } function save_bash() { local backup=${1:-~/.saved_bash_env} :> $backup save_bash_options $backup save_bash_exports $backup } function restore_bash() { local backup=${1:-~/.saved_bash_env} source $backup } #}}}