# juicebox-asm [![Rust][wf-badge]][wf-output] [![Rustdoc][doc-badge]][doc-html] [![Blog][blog-badge]][blog-html] [wf-output]: https://github.com/johannst/juicebox-asm/actions/workflows/tests.yml [wf-badge]: https://github.com/johannst/juicebox-asm/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg [doc-html]: https://johannst.github.io/juicebox-asm [doc-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/juicebox__asm-rustdoc-blue.svg?style=flat&logo=rust [blog-html]: https://blog.memzero.de/xpost-juicebox-asm [blog-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/blog_entry-gray?logo=mdbook ``` // +-------------||---+. |`. (||) `. | `+------------------+ | | juicebox-asm | | | | | | | + | fine x64 | `. | bits | `+------------------+ ``` An `x64` jit assembler for learning purpose with the following two main goals: - Learn about x64 instruction encoding. - Learn how to use the rust type system to disallow invalid operands. ## Example ```rust use juicebox_asm::insn::*; use juicebox_asm::Runtime; use juicebox_asm::{Asm, Imm32, Label, Reg32::*}; fn main() { let mut asm = Asm::new(); // Reference implementation // int ret = 0; // int n = 42; // // loop: // ret += n; // --n; // if (n != 0) goto loop; // // return; let mut lp = Label::new(); asm.mov(eax, Imm32::from(0)); asm.mov(ecx, Imm32::from(42)); asm.bind(&mut lp); asm.add(eax, ecx); asm.dec(ecx); asm.test(ecx, ecx); asm.jnz(&mut lp); asm.ret(); let mut rt = Runtime::new(); let func = unsafe { rt.add_code:: u32>(&asm.into_code()) }; assert_eq!(func(), (0..=42).into_iter().sum()); } ``` The [`examples/`](examples/) folder provides additional examples: - [`fib.rs`](examples/fib.rs) jit compiles a function to compute the `fibonacci` sequence. - [`add.rs`](examples/add.rs) jit compiles a function calling another function compiled into the example binary. - [`tiny_vm.rs`](examples/tiny_vm.rs) defines a minimal `virtual machine (VM)` with registers, instructions, data & instruction memory. The VM demonstrates a simple *jit compiler* which has a *jit cache* and translates each *basic block* on first execution when running a VM guest image. For reference an interepter is also implemented. - [`bf.rs`](examples/bf.rs) implements a [brainfuck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck) jit compiler and interpreter. ## git hook for local development The [`ci/`](ci) checks can be run automatically during local development by installing the following `pre-commit` git hook. ```sh echo 'make -C ci' > .git/hooks/pre-commit chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit ``` ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT](LICENSE) license.