From a47dfd3d1417412f4d55ffa964d9fc98d8d53a9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: johannst Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 22:26:20 +0000 Subject: deploy: 743f301eef632a41bd870529a9e838ce4974f9eb --- src/llvm_kaleidoscope_rs/ | 275 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 275 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/llvm_kaleidoscope_rs/ (limited to 'src/llvm_kaleidoscope_rs/') diff --git a/src/llvm_kaleidoscope_rs/ b/src/llvm_kaleidoscope_rs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcaa770 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/llvm_kaleidoscope_rs/ @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ - source + +
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+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use crate::llvm::{Builder, FnValue, Module, Value};
+use crate::parser::{ExprAST, FunctionAST, PrototypeAST};
+use crate::Either;
+type CodegenResult<T> = Result<T, String>;
+/// Code generator from kaleidoscope AST to LLVM IR.
+pub struct Codegen<'llvm, 'a> {
+    module: &'llvm Module,
+    builder: &'a Builder<'llvm>,
+impl<'llvm, 'a> Codegen<'llvm, 'a> {
+    /// Compile either a [`PrototypeAST`] or a [`FunctionAST`] into the LLVM `module`.
+    pub fn compile(
+        module: &'llvm Module,
+        compilee: Either<&PrototypeAST, &FunctionAST>,
+    ) -> CodegenResult<FnValue<'llvm>> {
+        let cg = Codegen {
+            module,
+            builder: &Builder::with_ctx(module),
+        };
+        let mut variables = HashMap::new();
+        match compilee {
+            Either::A(proto) => Ok(cg.codegen_prototype(proto)),
+            Either::B(func) => cg.codegen_function(func, &mut variables),
+        }
+    }
+    fn codegen_expr(
+        &self,
+        expr: &ExprAST,
+        named_values: &mut HashMap<&'llvm str, Value<'llvm>>,
+    ) -> CodegenResult<Value<'llvm>> {
+        match expr {
+            ExprAST::Number(num) => Ok(self.module.type_f64().const_f64(*num)),
+            ExprAST::Variable(name) => match named_values.get(name.as_str()) {
+                Some(value) => Ok(*value),
+                None => Err("Unknown variable name".into()),
+            },
+            ExprAST::Binary(binop, lhs, rhs) => {
+                let l = self.codegen_expr(lhs, named_values)?;
+                let r = self.codegen_expr(rhs, named_values)?;
+                match binop {
+                    '+' => Ok(self.builder.fadd(l, r)),
+                    '-' => Ok(self.builder.fsub(l, r)),
+                    '*' => Ok(self.builder.fmul(l, r)),
+                    '<' => {
+                        let res = self.builder.fcmpult(l, r);
+                        // Turn bool into f64.
+                        Ok(self.builder.uitofp(res, self.module.type_f64()))
+                    }
+                    _ => Err("invalid binary operator".into()),
+                }
+            }
+            ExprAST::Call(callee, args) => match self.module.get_fn(callee) {
+                Some(callee) => {
+                    if callee.args() != args.len() {
+                        return Err("Incorrect # arguments passed".into());
+                    }
+                    // Generate code for function argument expressions.
+                    let mut args: Vec<Value<'_>> = args
+                        .iter()
+                        .map(|arg| self.codegen_expr(arg, named_values))
+                        .collect::<CodegenResult<_>>()?;
+                    Ok(, &mut args))
+                }
+                None => Err("Unknown function referenced".into()),
+            },
+        }
+    }
+    fn codegen_prototype(&self, PrototypeAST(name, args): &PrototypeAST) -> FnValue<'llvm> {
+        let type_f64 = self.module.type_f64();
+        let mut doubles = Vec::new();
+        doubles.resize(args.len(), type_f64);
+        // Build the function type: fn(f64, f64, ..) -> f64
+        let ft = self.module.type_fn(&mut doubles, type_f64);
+        // Create the function declaration.
+        let f = self.module.add_fn(name, ft);
+        // Set the names of the function arguments.
+        for idx in 0..f.args() {
+            f.arg(idx).set_name(&args[idx]);
+        }
+        f
+    }
+    fn codegen_function(
+        &self,
+        FunctionAST(proto, body): &FunctionAST,
+        named_values: &mut HashMap<&'llvm str, Value<'llvm>>,
+    ) -> CodegenResult<FnValue<'llvm>> {
+        let the_function = match self.module.get_fn(&proto.0) {
+            Some(f) => f,
+            None => self.codegen_prototype(proto),
+        };
+        if the_function.basic_blocks() > 0 {
+            return Err("Function cannot be redefined.".into());
+        }
+        // Create entry basic block to insert code.
+        let bb = self.module.append_basic_block(the_function);
+        self.builder.pos_at_end(bb);
+        // New scope, clear the map with the function args.
+        named_values.clear();
+        // Update the map with the current functions args.
+        for idx in 0..the_function.args() {
+            let arg = the_function.arg(idx);
+            named_values.insert(arg.get_name(), arg);
+        }
+        // Codegen function body.
+        if let Ok(ret) = self.codegen_expr(body, named_values) {
+            self.builder.ret(ret);
+            assert!(the_function.verify());
+            Ok(the_function)
+        } else {
+            todo!("Failed to codegen function body, erase from module!");
+        }
+    }
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