initSidebarItems({"fn":[["initialize_native_taget","Initialize native target for corresponding to host (useful for jitting)."],["shutdown","Deallocate and destroy all “ManagedStatic” variables."]],"struct":[["BasicBlock","Wrapper for a LLVM Basic Block."],["FnValue","Wrapper for a LLVM Value Reference specialized for contexts where function values are needed."],["FunctionPassManager","Wrapper for a LLVM Function PassManager (legacy)."],["IRBuilder","Wrapper for a LLVM IR Builder."],["LLJit","Wrapper for a LLVM LLJIT."],["Module","Wrapper for a LLVM Module with its own LLVM Context."],["ResourceTracker","A resource handle for code added to an [`LLJit`] instance."],["Type","Wrapper for a LLVM Type Reference."],["Value","Wrapper for a LLVM Value Reference."]]});