path: root/lib/arch/riscv64/yield.s
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/arch/riscv64/yield.s')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/arch/riscv64/yield.s b/lib/arch/riscv64/yield.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985cb52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/arch/riscv64/yield.s
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Johannes Stoelp
+ .macro push reg
+ addi sp, sp, -8
+ sd \reg, 0(sp)
+ .endm
+ .macro pop reg
+ ld \reg, 0(sp)
+ addi sp, sp, 8
+ .endm
+ .section .text, "ax", @progbits
+ # extern "C" void yield(const void* new_stack, void** old_stack);
+ # ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
+ # a0 (x10) a1 (x11)
+ .global yield
+ .type yield, @function
+ .cfi_startproc
+ # save return address
+ push ra
+ # push callee saved registers
+ push x8
+ push x9
+ push x18
+ push x19
+ push x20
+ push x21
+ push x22
+ push x23
+ push x24
+ push x25
+ push x26
+ push x27
+ # arg0: a0 holds new stack
+ # arg1: a1 holds addr to location current stack must be saved
+ sd sp, 0(a1) # save current stack ptr
+ mv sp, a0 # switch to new stack ptr
+ # pop callee saved registers
+ pop x27
+ pop x26
+ pop x25
+ pop x24
+ pop x23
+ pop x22
+ pop x21
+ pop x20
+ pop x19
+ pop x18
+ pop x9
+ pop x8
+ # restore return address
+ pop ra
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size yield, .-yield