# matcha-threads ![check-examples][badge_check_examples] [![blog][badge_blog]][html_blog] A simple and unsafe implementation of `cooperative-multitasking` in userspace (see [`fibers`][fiber_wiki]). This implementation should not be used for anything serious, it was just created to type some lines of `asm` and filll a few evenings. Supported platforms are `Linux` running on - `x86_64` - `arm64` - `armv7a` - `riscv64` ### Example ```cpp // file: demo.cc #include "lib/executor.h" #include "lib/thread.h" #include struct MyThread : public nMatcha::Thread { virtual void threadFn() override { puts("like"); yield(); puts("tea"); } }; int main() { nMatcha::Executor e; e.spawn(std::make_unique()); e.spawn(nMatcha::FnThread::make([](nMatcha::Yielder& y) { puts("I"); y.yield(); puts("green"); })); e.run(); return 0; } ``` This example `demo.cc` can be run as ```bash > make -C lib && g++ -o demo demo.cc -I. lib/libmatcha.a && ./demo ... I like green tea ``` ### Setup development environment This project provides a [`Dockerfile`](docker/Dockerfile) with all the required tools pre-installed. To build and launch a container instance run ```bash make docker ``` > On the fist invocation this takes some minutes as it needs to build the > docker image. Additionally the locally cloned repository will be mounted into the container instance. This allows to use editors/tools installed on the host and to reduce the image disk footprint. ### Build and run demo The `x86_64` demo can be run as ```bash make demo1 ``` The `arm64` demo can be run as ```bash make ARCH=arm64 demo1 ``` The `armv7a` demo can be run as ```bash make ARCH=arm demo1 ``` The `riscv64` demo can be run as ```bash make ARCH=riscv64 demo1 ``` > Before starting to compile & run for a different architecture the the current > build artifacts should be removed via `make clean`. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT](LICENSE) license. [fiber_wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiber_(computer_science) [badge_check_examples]: https://github.com/johannst/matcha-threads/workflows/check-examples/badge.svg [html_blog]: https://blog.memzero.de/xpost-matcha-threads [badge_blog]: https://img.shields.io/badge/blog_entry-gray?logo=mdbook