path: root/src/bash.md
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bash.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/src/bash.md b/src/bash.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a4df7da..0000000
--- a/src/bash.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# bash(1)
-## Expansion
-### Generator
-# generate sequence from n to m
-# generate sequence from n to m step by s
-# expand cartesian product
-### Parameter
-# default param
-bar=${foo:-some_val} # if $foo set, then bar=$foo else bar=some_val
-# check param set
-bar=${foo:?msg} # if $foo set, then bar=$foo else exit and print msg
-# indirect
-bar=${!BAR} # deref value of BAR -> bar=$FOO
-# prefix
-${foo#prefix} # remove prefix when expanding $foo
-# suffix
-${foo%suffix} # remove suffix when expanding $foo
-# substitute
-${foo/pattern/string} # replace pattern with string when expanding foo
-# pattern starts with
-# '/' replace all occurences of pattern
-# '#' pattern match at beginning
-# '%' pattern match at end
-> Note: `prefix`/`suffix`/`pattern` are expanded as [pathnames](#pathname).
-### Pathname
-* match any string
-? match any single char
-\\ match backslash
-[abc] match any char of 'a' 'b' 'c'
-[a-z] match any char between 'a' - 'z'
-[^ab] negate, match all not 'a' 'b'
-[:class:] match any char in class, available:
- alnum,alpha,ascii,blank,cntrl,digit,graph,lower,
- print,punct,space,upper,word,xdigit
-Wit `extglob` shell option enabled it is possible to have more powerful
-patterns. In the following `pattern-list` is one ore more patterns separated
-by `|` char.
-?(pattern-list) matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
-*(pattern-list) matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
-+(pattern-list) matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
-@(pattern-list) matches one of the given patterns
-!(pattern-list) matches anything except one of the given patterns
-> Note: `shopt -s extglob`/`shopt -u extglob` to enable/disable `extglob`
-> option.
-## I/O redirection
-> Note: The trick with bash I/O redirection is to interpret from left-to-right.
-# stdout & stderr to file
-command >file 2>&1
-# equivalent
-command &>file
-# stderr to stdout & stdout to file
-command 2>&1 >file
-### Explanation
-Duplicate `fd i` to `fd j`, making `j` a copy of `i`. See [dup2(2)][dup2].
-command 2>&1 >file
-1. duplicate `fd 1` to `fd 2`, effectively redirecting `stderr` to `stdout`
-2. redirect `stdout` to `file`
-## Completion
-The `complete` builtin is used to interact with the completion system.
-complete # print currently installed completion handler
-complete -F <func> <cmd> # install <func> as completion handler for <cmd>
-complete -r <cmd> # uninstall completion handler for <cmd>
-Variables available in completion functions:
-# in
-$1 # <cmd>
-$2 # current word
-$3 # privous word
-COMP_WORDS # array with current command line words
-COMP_CWORD # index into COMP_WORDS with current cursor position
-# out
-COMPREPLY # array with possible completions
-The `compgen` builtin is used to generate possible matches by comparing `word`
-against words generated by `option`.
-compgen [option] [word]
-# usefule options:
-# -W <list> specify list of possible completions
-# -d generate list with dirs
-# -f generate list with files
-# -u generate list with users
-# -e generate list with exported variables
-# compare "f" against words "foo" "foobar" "bar" and generate matches
-compgen -W "foo foobar bar" "f"
-# compare "hom" against file/dir names and generate matches
-compgen -d -f "hom"
-### Example
-Skeleton to copy/paste for writing simple completions.
-Assume a program `foo` with the following interface:
-foo -c green|red|blue -s low|high -f <file> -h
-The completion handler could be implemented as follows:
-function _foo() {
- local curr=$2
- local prev=$3
- local opts="-c -s -f -h"
- case $prev in
- -c) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "green red blue" -- $curr) );;
- -s) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "low high" -- $curr) );;
- -f) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f -- $curr) );;
- *) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$opts" -- $curr) );;
- esac
-complete -F _foo foo
-[dup2]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/dup.2.html