From fe84155562f3e6d51b94155197ab5606f2e3bebe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: johannst keywords: x86_64, x86, abi keywords: arm64, aarch64, abi0
points to
dependent featuresarm64
@@ -2779,11 +2786,252 @@ required when compiling natively on arm64.
points to the last used location (valid item)sp
must be 16byte aligned when used to access memory for r/wsp
must be 16byte aligned on public interface interfaces
dependent featureskeywords: arm, armv7, abi
, big
+[3:0] alt desc
+r0-r12 general purpose registers
+r11 fp
+r13 sp stack pointer
+r14 lr link register
+r15 pc program counter
+[3:0] desc
+cpsr current program status register
+bits desc
+ [31] N negative flag
+ [30] Z zero flag
+ [29] C carry flag
+ [28] V overflow flag
+ [27] Q cummulative saturation (sticky)
+ [9] E load/store endianness
+ [8] A disable asynchronous aborts
+ [7] I disable IRQ
+ [6] F disable FIQ
+ [5] T indicate Thumb state
+[4:0] M process mode (USR, FIQ, IRQ, SVC, ABT, UND, SYS)
+Reading from system registers:
+mrs r0, cpsr // move cpsr into r0
+Writing to system registers:
+msr cpsr, r0 // move r0 into cpsr
+b <lable> // relative forward/back branch
+bl <lable> // relative forward/back branch & link return addr in r14 (LR)
+// branch & exchange (can change between ARM & Thumb instruction set)
+// bit Rm[0] == 0 -> ARM
+// bit Rm[0] == 1 -> Thumb
+bx <Rm> // absolute branch to address in register Rm
+blx <Rm> // absolute branch to address in register Rm &
+ // link return addr in r14 (LR)
+Different addressing modes.
+str r1, [r0] // [r0]=r1
+str r1, [r0, #4] // [r0+4]=r1
+str r1, [r0, #4]! // r0+=4; [r0]=r1
+str r1, [r0], 4 // [r0]=r1; r0+=4
+Load/store multiple registers full-descending.
+stmfd r0!, {r1-r2, r5} // r0-=4; [r0]=r5
+ // r0-=4; [r0]=r2
+ // r0-=4; [r0]=r1
+ldmfd r0!, {r1-r2, r5} // r1=[r0]; r0+=4
+ // r2=[r0]; r0+=4
+ // r5=[r0]; r0+=4
is optional but has the effect to update the base pointer registerr0
+push {r0-r2} // effectively stmfd sp!, {r0-r2}
+pop {r0-r2} // effectively ldmfd sp!, {r0-r2}
)reg arg
+r0 1
+.. ..
+r3 4
)right-to-left (RTL)
, meaning next arguments are closer to current sp
+void take(..., int a5, int a6);
+ | | | ... | Hi
+ | +-->| a6 | |
+ +---------->| a5 | <-SP |
+ +-----+ v
+ | ... | Lo
+reg size
+r0 32 bit
+r0+r1 64 bit
- r11
points to the last used location (valid item)sp
must be 4byte aligned (word boundary) at all timesp
must be 8byte aligned on public interface interfacesframe record
pair (2x32bit)r11 (FP)
must point to the frame record of the current stack-frame
+ +------+ Hi
+ | 0 | frame0 |
+ +->| 0 | |
+ | | ... | |
+ | +------+ |
+ | | LR | frame1 |
+ +--| FP |<-+ |
+ | ... | | |
+ +------+ | |
+ | LR | | current |
+r11 ->| FP |--+ frame v
+ | ... | Lo
is not updated before the new frame record is fully constructedpush {fp, lr}
+mov fp, sp // FP points to frame record
+pop {fp, pc} // pop LR directly into PC
+Small assembler skeleton, ready to use with following properties:
+man 2 syscall
for ABI)C runtime (crt)
// file: greet.S
+#include <asm/unistd.h> // syscall NRs
+ .arch armv7-a
+ .section .text, "ax"
+ .balign 4
+ // Emit `arm` instructions, same as `.arm` directive.
+ .code 32
+ .global _start
+ // Branch with link and exchange instruction set.
+ blx _do_greet
+ mov r0, #0 // exit code
+ mov r7, #__NR_exit // exit(2) syscall
+ swi 0x0
+ // Emit `thumb` instructions, same as `.thumb` directive.
+ .code 16
+ .thumb_func
+ mov r0, #2 // fd
+ ldr r1, =greeting // buf
+ ldr r2, =greeting_len // &len
+ ldr r2, [r2] // len
+ mov r7, #__NR_write // write(2) syscall
+ swi 0x0
+ // Branch and exchange instruction set.
+ bx lr
+ .balign 8 // align data on 8byte boundary
+ .section .rodata, "a"
+ .asciz "Hi ASM-World!\n"
+ .int .-greeting
+++man gcc:
assembler code that must be preprocessed.
To cross-compile and run:
+> arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o greet greet.S -nostartfiles -nostdlib \
+ -Wl,--dynamic-linker=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/lib/ \
+ && qemu-arm ./greet
+Hi ASM-World!
+++Cross-compiling on
+Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64)
, paths might differ on other +distributions. Explicitly specifying the dynamic linker should not be +required when compiling natively on arm.