+Example dot
file to copy & paste from.
Can be rendered to svg
with the following command.
dot -T svg -o g.svg
+Example dot
// file:
+digraph {
+ // Render ranks from left to right.
+ rankdir=LR
+ // Make background transparent.
+ bgcolor=transparent
+ // Global node attributes.
+ node [shape=box]
+ // Global edge attributes.
+ edge [style=dotted,color=red]
+ // Add nodes & edge.
+ stage1 -> stage2
+ // Add multiple edges at once.
+ stage2 -> { stage3_1, stage3_2 }
+ // Add edge with custom attributes.
+ stage3_2 -> stage4 [label="some text"]
+ // Set custom attributes for specific node.
+ stage4 [color=green,fillcolor=lightgray,style="filled,dashed",label="s4"]
+ // Create a subgraph. This can be used to group nodes/edges or as scope for
+ // global node/edge attributes.
+ // If the name starts with 'cluster' a border is drawn.
+ subgraph cluster_1 {
+ stage5_1
+ stage5_2
+ }
+ // Add some edges to subgraph nodes.
+ stage3_1 -> { stage5_1, stage5_2 }
+Rendered svg