keywords: x86_64, x86, abi
- 64bit synonyms:
,intel 64
- 32bit synonyms:
- ISA type:
- Endianness:
General purpose register
[7:0] [3:0] [1:0] [1] [0] desc
rax eax ax ah al accumulator
rbx ebx bx bh bl base register
rcx ecx cx ch cl counter
rdx edx dx dh dl data register
rsi esi si - sil source index
rdi edi di - dil destination index
rbp ebp bp - bpl base pointer
rsp esp sp - spl stack pointer
r8-15 rNd rNw - rNb
Special register
[7:0] [3:0] [1:0] desc
rflags eflags flags flags register
rip eip ip instruction pointer
FLAGS register
bits desc instr comment
[21] ID identification ability to set/clear -> indicates support for CPUID instr
[18] AC alignment check alignment exception for PL 3 (user), requires CR0.AM
[13:12] IOPL io privilege level
[11] OF overflow flag
[10] DF direction flag cld/std increment (0) or decrement (1) registers in string operations
[9] IF interrupt enable cli/sti
[7] SF sign flag
[6] ZF zero flag
[4] AF auxiliary carry flag
[2] PF parity flag
[0] CF carry flag
Change flag bits with pushf
/ popf
pushfd // push flags (4bytes) onto stack
or dword ptr [esp], (1 << 18) // enable AC flag
popfd // pop flags (4byte) from stack
There is also
to push and pop all 8 bytes ofrflags
Model Specific Register (MSR)
rdmsr // Read MSR register, effectively does EDX:EAX <- MSR[ECX]
wrmsr // Write MSR register, effectively does MSR[ECX] <- EDX:EAX
Size directives
Explicitly specify size of the operation.
mov byte ptr [rax], 0xff // save 1 byte(s) at [rax]
mov word ptr [rax], 0xff // save 2 byte(s) at [rax]
mov dword ptr [rax], 0xff // save 4 byte(s) at [rax]
mov qword ptr [rax], 0xff // save 8 byte(s) at [rax]
mov qword ptr [rax], rbx // save val in rbx at [rax]
mov qword ptr [imm], rbx // save val in rbx at [imm]
mov rax, qword ptr [rbx+4*rcx] // load val at [rbx+4*rcx] into rax
relative addressing:
lea rax, [rip+.my_str] // load addr of .my_str into rax
.asciz "Foo"
String instructions
The operand size of a string instruction is defined by the instruction suffix
b | w | d | q
Source and destination registers are modified according to the direction flag (DF)
in the flags
increment src/dest registersDF=1
decrement src/dest registers
Following explanation assumes byte
operands with DF=0
movsb // move data from string to string
// ES:[DI] <- DS:[SI]
// DI <- DI + 1
// SI <- SI + 1
lodsb // load string
// AL <- DS:[SI]
// SI <- SI + 1
stosb // store string
// ES:[DI] <- AL
// DI <- DI + 1
cmpsb // compare string operands
// DS:[SI] - ES:[DI] ; set status flag (eg ZF)
// SI <- SI + 1
// DI <- DI + 1
scasb // scan string
// AL - ES:[DI] ; set status flag (eg ZF)
// DI <- DI + 1
String operations can be repeated:
rep // repeat until rcx = 0
repz // repeat until rcx = 0 or while ZF = 0
repnz // repeat until rcx = 0 or while ZF = 1
Example: Simple memset
// memset (dest, 0xaa /* char */, 0x10 /* len */)
lea di, [dest]
mov al, 0xaa
mov cx, 0x10
rep stosb
SysV x86_64 ABI
Passing arguments to functions
- Integer/Pointer arguments
reg arg ----------- rdi 1 rsi 2 rdx 3 rcx 4 r8 5 r9 6
- Floating point arguments
reg arg ----------- xmm0 1 .. .. xmm7 8
- Additional arguments are passed on the stack. Arguments are pushed
right-to-left (RTL), meaning next arguments are closer to current
Return values from functions
- Integer/Pointer return values
reg size ----------------- rax 64 bit rax+rdx 128 bit
- Floating point return values:
reg size ------------------- xmm0 64 bit xmm0+xmm1 128 bit
Caller saved registers
Caller must save these registers if they should be preserved across function calls.
Callee saved registers
Caller can expect these registers to be preserved across function calls. Callee must must save these registers in case they are used.
- grows downwards
- frames aligned on 16 byte boundary
Hi ADDR | +------------+ | | prev frame | | +------------+ <--- 16 byte aligned (X & ~0xf) | [rbp+8] | saved RIP | | [rbp] | saved RBP | | [rbp-8] | func stack | | | ... | v +------------+ Lo ADDR
Function prologue & epilogue
- prologue
push rbp // save caller base pointer mov rbp, rsp // save caller stack pointer
- epilogue
mov rsp, rbp // restore caller stack pointer pop rbp // restore caller base pointer
Equivalent to
ASM skeleton
Small assembler skeleton, ready to use with following properties:
- use raw Linux syscalls (
man 2 syscall
for ABI) - no
C runtime (crt)
- gnu assembler
- intel syntax
# file: greet.s
.intel_syntax noprefix
.section .text, "ax", @progbits
.global _start
mov rdi, 1 # fd
lea rsi, [rip + greeting] # buf
mov rdx, [rip + greeting_len] # count
mov rax, 1 # write(2) syscall nr
mov rdi, 0 # exit code
mov rax, 60 # exit(2) syscall nr
.section .rdonly, "a", @progbits
.asciz "Hi ASM-World!\n"
.int .-greeting
Syscall numbers are defined in
To compile and run:
> gcc -o greet greet.s -nostartfiles -nostdlib && ./greet
Hi ASM-World!
- SystemV AMD64 ABI
- AMD64 Vol1: Application Programming
- AMD64 Vol2: System Programming
- AMD64 Vol3: General-Purpose & System Instructions
- X86_64 Cheat-Sheet
- Intel 64 Vol1: Basic Architecture
- Intel 64 Vol2: Instruction Set Reference
- Intel 64 Vol3: System Programming Guide
- GNU Assembler
- GNU Assembler Directives
- GNU Assembler
dependent features