# sysc-playground This repository serves as a playground for [SystemC/TLM2][sysc-home] and allows to quickly start hacking on SystemC/TLM2 simulations. The [Makefile](Makefile) documents how to configure and build the simulations as well as run the tests contained in the repository. ```sh # Build SystemC, all simulations and tests. make build # Run all tests. make test # Run all simulations in src/. make run # Run only the lt_bus simulation. make run/lt_bus ``` New simulations can be added by creating a new file in `src/` and adding the file name (w/o extension) to the `simulations` list in [CMakeLists.txt](CMakeLists.txt). Happy hacking. ## SystemC build The SystemC simulator is automatically built as dependency in cmake. Currently two different build scripts are available (mainly because of own experiments). - [CMakeLists-sysc-fetch.txt](cmake/CMakeLists-sysc-fetch.txt) use [`FetchContent`][cmake-fetch] to make SystemC available, this will treat SystemC as source dependency and make all build targets available. - [CMakeLists-sysc-external.txt](cmake/CMakeLists-sysc-external.txt) use [`ExternalProject`][cmake-external] to make SystemC available, this will treat SystemC as external dependency and therefore needs to provide targets manually. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT](LICENSE) license. [sysc-home]: https://www.accellera.org/downloads/standards/systemc [cmake-fetch]: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FetchContent.html [cmake-external]: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/ExternalProject.html