const bios = @import("bios.zig"); // -- ENTRY POINT --------------------------------------------------------------- export fn _entry() linksection(".boot") callconv(.naked) noreturn { asm volatile ( // Disable interrupts. \\cli // Clear segment selectors. \\xor %%ax, %%ax \\mov %%ax, %%ds \\mov %%ax, %%es \\mov %%ax, %%ss \\mov %%ax, %%fs \\mov %%ax, %%gs \\mov $0x7c00, %sp // Long jump to set cs to 0x0000, as some BIOSes load the MBR // to either 07c0:0000 or 0000:7c000. \\ljmp $0x0, $main ); } // -- MAIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // main should be "callconv(.naked)", once issue is fixed. // export fn main() noreturn { for (0..255) |i| { if (i < bios.ROWS) { bios.set_pos(@truncate(i)); } else { // Once we reach the bottom of the screen start scrolling. bios.scroll_up(); bios.set_pos(bios.ROWS - 1); } puts_dec(i + 1); bios.putc(' '); puts_hex(i + 1); bios.putc(' '); bios.putc(@truncate('a' + (i % 26))); bios.putc(@truncate('a' + (i % 26))); waste_time(); } puts("\ndone"); while (true) { asm volatile ("hlt"); } } // -- UTILS --------------------------------------------------------------------- fn puts(str: []const u8) void { for (str) |c| { bios.putc(c); } } fn puts_dec(init_val: u32) void { var val = init_val; var buf: [32]u8 = undefined; var idx = buf.len; while (val > 0 and idx != 0) : (val /= 10) { idx -= 1; buf[idx] = @as(u8, @truncate(val % 10)) + '0'; } puts(buf[idx..]); } fn puts_hex(init_val: u32) void { var val = init_val; var buf: [32]u8 = undefined; var idx = buf.len; while (val > 0 and idx != 0) : (val /= 16) { idx -= 1; const digit = switch (@as(u8, @truncate(val % 16))) { 0...9 => |d| '0' + d, 10...15 => |d| 'a' + d - 10, else => '?', }; buf[idx] = digit; } puts(buf[idx..]); } fn rdtsc() u32 { return asm volatile ("rdtsc" : [eax] "={eax}" (-> u32), : : "edx" ); } fn waste_time() void { const start = rdtsc(); var now = start; var idx: usize = 0; while (now - start < (1 << 28)) : (idx += 1) { if (idx == 10_000) { now = rdtsc(); idx = 0; } } }