BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainfn-wrapper: CONCAT1 vs CONCAT2, re-wording, additional listify exampleJohannes Stoelp11 days
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
11 daysfn-wrapper: CONCAT1 vs CONCAT2, re-wording, additional listify exampleHEADmainJohannes Stoelp1-21/+72
11 daysxpost: fix arrow in previously added figureJohannes Stoelp2-6/+5
11 daysxpost: add figure to match threadsJohannes Stoelp4-0/+209
2024-04-24fn-wrapper: fix dates, add comment about gcc extenstionJohannes Stoelp1-4/+8
2024-04-24fn-wrapper: initial version of macro magicJohannes Stoelp6-0/+268
2024-02-26svg: add script to export drawio svg after feature was added to specify theme...Johannes Stoelp7-8/+13
2024-02-15index: add author,desc,kw meta tagsJohannes Stoelp1-1/+4
2024-02-08header: change link names + add lsJohannes Stoelp2-5/+7
2024-01-29cas: fix typoJohannes Stoelp1-11/+10
2023-12-20llvm-orc-jit: add build-llvm.sh, enforce find_package success, and print used...Johannes Stoelp4-2/+63