path: root/content/2024-04-24-fn-wrapper-macro-magic/wrap-v1.cc
blob: d3f3ddfc3a2b9d3c8617af9bf980c4acb52a00b0 (plain) (tree)

// Mock the common wrapper functionality. For the purpose of this discussion,
// this is just a sink accepting any function argument.
#define MOCK_WRAPPER_IMPL(ret, fn) \
  /* do common work */             \
  static ret wrap_##fn(...);

// Utility to generate wrapper boilerplate.
#define WRAP(ret, fn, ...)   \
  MOCK_WRAPPER_IMPL(ret, fn) \
  extern "C" ret fn(__VA_ARGS__)

WRAP(int, foo, const char* name) {
  return wrap_foo(name);

WRAP(int, bar, const char* name, const char* value) {
  return wrap_bar(name, value);