# git(1)
## Working areas
+-------------------+ --- stash -----> +-------+
| working directory | | stash | // Shelving area.
| (worktree) | <-- stash pop -- +-------+
| ^
add |
| reset
v |
| staging area |
| (index) |
| local repository |
| ^
push |
| fetch /
| pull
v |
| remote repository |
## Config
git config --list --show-origin ..... list currently set configs and where
they are coming from
git --edit [--global] ............... open config in editor (local or global)
## Clean
git clean -X ......... remove only ignored files (-n for dry run)
git clean -f -d -x ... remove untracked & ignored files / folders
git clean -e <pat> ... exclude pattern from deletion
## Staging
git add -p [<file>] ............ partial staging (interactive)
## Remote
git remote -v .................. list remotes verbose (with URLs)
git remote show [-n] <remote> .. list info for <remote> (like remote HEAD,
remote branches, tracking mapping)
## Branching
git branch [-a] ................ list available branches; -a to include
remote branches
git branch -vv ................. list branch & annotate with head sha1 &
remote tracking branch
git branch <bname> ............. create local branch with name <bname>
git branch -d <bname> .......... delete local branch with name <bname>
git checkout <bname> ........... switch to branch with name <bname>
git checkout --track <branch> .. start to locally track a remote branch
git branch --unset-upstream .... unset remote tracking branch
# Remote
git push -u origin <rbname> ........ push local branch to origin (or other
remote), and setup <rbname> as tracking
git push origin --delete <rbname> .. delete branch <rbname> from origin (or
other remote)
## Update local from remote
git fetch --prune .................. update all remote references and
remove delete non-existing ones
(does not merge into local tracking branch)
git pull [--rebase] ................ fetch remote references and merge into
local tracking branch (fast-forward by default).
Optionally rebase local tracking branch
on-top of remote branch (in case local
branch has additional commits compared to remote branch).
## Tags
git tag -a <tname> -m "descr" ........ creates an annotated tag (full object
containing tagger, date, ...)
git tag -l ........................... list available tags
git checkout tag/<tname> ............. checkout specific tag
git checkout tag/<tname> -b <bname> .. checkout specific tag in a new branch
# Remote
git push origin --tags .... push local tags to origin (or other remote)
## Merging
git merge [opt] <commit> .... integrate changes from <commit> since
opt: current branch and <commit> diverged
--squash ................ merge all commits into a single one
--no-commit ............. dont generate commit if the merge succeeds
git merge-base <commit> <commit>
get the common ancestor, since both commits diverged
git rebase -i <upstream> .... interactively rebase on <upstream>, also supports actions
like squashing, editing, rewording, etc of commits
git cherry-pick <commit> .... apply commit on current branch
## Worktree
Worktrees allow to maintain multiple working trees in the filesystem linked to
the same repository (shared .git folder).
git worktree add <path> .............. create a tree at <path> with a new branch
checked out (bname is basename of <path>)
git worktree add <path> <bname> ...... create a tree at <path> from existing <bname>
git worktree list .................... list existing work trees
git worktree remove <tree> ........... remove work tree
git worktree prune ................... remove stale bookkeeping files
## Log & Commit History
git log --oneline ......... shows log in single line per commit -> alias for
'--pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit'
git log --graph ........... text based graph of commit history
git log --decorate ........ decorate log with REFs
git log -p <file> ......... show commit history + diffs for <file>
git log --oneline <file> .. show commit history for <file> in compact format
git log -nN ............... show last N history entries
## Diff & Commit Info
git diff <commit>..<commit> [<file>] .... show changes between two arbitrary
commits. If one <commit> is omitted
it is if HEAD is specified.
git diff --name-only <commit>..<commit> . show names of files changed
git diff -U$(wc -l <file>) <file> ....... shows complete file with diffs
instead of usual diff snippets
git diff --staged ....................... show diffs of staged files
git show --stat <commit> ................ show files changed by <commit>
git show <commit> [<file>] .............. show diffs for <commit>
git show <commit>:<file> ................ show <file> at <commit>
## Patching
git format-patch <opt> <since>/<revision range>
-N ................... use [PATCH] instead [PATCH n/m] in subject when
generating patch description (for patches spanning
multiple commits)
--start-number <n> ... start output file generation with <n> as start
number instead '1'
since spcifier:
-3 .................. e.g: create a patch from last three commits
<commit hash> ....... create patch with commits starting after <commit hash>
git am <patch> ......... apply patch and create a commit for it
git apply --stat <PATCH> ... see which files the patch would change
git apply --check <PATCH> .. see if the patch can be applied cleanly
git apply [-3] <PATCH> ..... apply the patch locally without creating a commit,
if the patch does not cleanly apply -3 allows for
a 3-way merge
# eg: generate patches for each commit from initial commit on
git format-patch -N $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD)
# generate single patch file from a certain commit/ref
git format-patch <COMMIT/REF> --stdout > my-patch.patch
## Resetting
git reset [opt] <ref|commit>
--mixed .................... resets index, but not working tree
--hard ..................... matches the working tree and index to that
of the tree being switched to any changes to
tracked files in the working tree since
<commit> are lost
git reset HEAD <file> .......... remove file from staging
git reset --soft HEAD~1 ........ delete most recent commit; dont revert index & worktree
git reset --mixed HEAD~1 ....... delete most recent commit; revert index; dont revert worktree
git reset --hard HEAD~1 ........ delete most recent commit; revert index & worktree
Assuming an initial history `A - B - C - D` where `HEAD` currently points at
`D`, the different reset operations work as shown below.
**Soft** reset.
git reset --soft HEAD~2
history: A - B
-> local history is reverted, HEAD moved to B.
-> changes from C + D are still in the worktree & index (appear as staged changes).
**Mixed** reset.
git reset --mixed HEAD~2
history: A - B
-> local history is reverted, HEAD moved to B.
-> changed from C + D are reverted in the index.
-> changes from C + D are still in the worktree (appear as unstaged changes).
**Hard** reset.
git reset --head HEAD~2
history: A - B
-> local history is reverted, HEAD moved to B.
-> changes from C + D also reverted in the worktree & index (no pending changes).
## Submodules
git submodule add <url> [<path>] .......... add new submodule to current project
git clone --recursive <url> ............... clone project and recursively all
submodules (same as using
'git submodule update --init
--recursive' after clone)
git submodule update --init --recursive ... checkout submodules recursively
using the commit listed in the
super-project (in detached HEAD)
git submodule update --remote <submod> .... fetch & merge remote changes for
<submod>, this will pull
origin/HEAD or a branch specified
for the submodule
git diff --submodule ...................... show commits that are part of the
submodule diff
## Bisect
git bisect start BAD GOOD ........ start bisect process in range BAD..GOOD commits
git bisect good .................. mark current commit as good
git bisect bad ................... mark current commit as bad
# Automate bisecting.
git bisect run <script> <args> ... run script to automate bisect process
exit 0 - mark commit as good
exit 1 - mark commit as bad
exit 125 - skip commit (eg doesn't build)
## Inspection
git ls-tree [-r] <ref> .... show git tree for <ref>, -r to recursively ls sub-trees
git show <obj> ............ show <obj>
git cat-file -p <obj> ..... print content of <obj>
## Revision Specifier
HEAD ........ last commit
HEAD~1 ...... last commit-1
HEAD~N ...... last commit-N (linear backwards when in tree structure, check
difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~)
git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD ........... first commit