path: root/x86-bare-metal/mbr-palette/mbr.S
diff options
authorJohannes Stoelp <>2024-12-23 22:51:52 +0100
committerJohannes Stoelp <>2025-02-07 21:54:55 +0100
commit0d857026c43ce887196c84c7d722c2e81cc8dacf (patch)
tree3a18adf457c3ed7c840101636a806517a48978e4 /x86-bare-metal/mbr-palette/mbr.S
parentb0cf4477140aff5c198544dbff2cfe28770e0083 (diff)
mbr: rm->pm, then jump into zig
Diffstat (limited to 'x86-bare-metal/mbr-palette/mbr.S')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/x86-bare-metal/mbr-palette/mbr.S b/x86-bare-metal/mbr-palette/mbr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858f3f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x86-bare-metal/mbr-palette/mbr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// -- BOOT TEXT SECTION ---------------------------------------------------------
+.intel_syntax noprefix
+.section .boot, "ax", @progbits
+ // Disable interrupts.
+ cli
+ // Clear segment selectors.
+ xor ax, ax
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov fs, ax
+ mov gs, ax
+ // Set cs to 0x0000, as some BIOSes load the MBR to either 07c0:0000 or 0000:7c000.
+ jmp 0x0000:entry_rm16
+ // Set video mode 13h, see [1].
+ // * 320x200 graphic mode
+ // * 256 colors (8bit per pixel)
+ // * 0xA0000 screen address
+ //
+ // [1]
+ // [2] (shows color palette)
+ mov ax, 0x13
+ int 0x10
+ // Set blue screen and halt if setting video mode failed.
+ jnc 2f
+ mov ah, 0xb
+ mov bx, 1
+ int 0x10
+ hlt
+ jmp 1b
+ // Enable A20 address line.
+ in al, 0x92
+ or al, 2
+ out 0x92, al
+ // Load GDT descriptor.
+ lgdt [gdt_desc]
+ // Enable protected mode (set CR0.PE bit).
+ mov eax, cr0
+ or eax, (1 << 0)
+ mov cr0, eax
+ // Far jump which loads segment selector (0x0008) into cs.
+ // 0x0008 -> RPL=0, TI=0(GDT), I=1
+ jmp 0x0008:entry_pm32
+ // Select data segment selector (0x0010) for ds.
+ mov ax, gdt_data - gdt
+ mov ds, ax
+ // Initialize stack pointer.
+ // Real Mode memory (
+ // 0x00000500 - 0x00007BFF | 29.75 KiB | conventional memory
+ mov esp, 0x7c00
+ // Enter zmbr.zig:kmain.
+ // Should not return, but for safety we emit a call rather than a jmp.
+ call kmain
+ hlt
+ jmp 1b
+// -- RODATA SECTION ------------------------------------------------------------
+.section .rodata, "a", @progbits
+.balign 8
+ .8byte 0x0000000000000000 // 0x00 | null descriptor
+ .8byte 0x00cf9a000000ffff // 0x08 | 32 bit, code (rx), present, dpl=0, g=4K, base=0, limit=fffff
+ .8byte 0x00cf92000000ffff // 0x10 | 32 bit, data (rw), present, dpl=0, g=4K, base=0, limit=fffff
+ .2byte (. - gdt - 1) // size
+ .4byte gdt // address